Last Updated: 08 Jul 2019 15:49 by ADMIN
Release 1.3.0
Created on: 02 Jul 2019 05:55
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report
InCell editing - you can only type one digit when editing a decimal field

Dear Telerik,

i have a TelerikGrid with a TelerikGridColumn bound to a Decimal field.

The property  Editable="true" is set.

I can edit the number , but only 1 number at te time.
If I type one number, the edit-cell is closed immediately.

If I want to input the number 1000 , I habe to click the cell 4 times for each number . I cannot type 1000 in one action.

The problem does not occur with a String column.



Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 08 Jul 2019 15:49
Hello Gert, 

I am logging the decimal incell editing issue in the following page:

On the error with filtering - this can happen if a column does not have a field defined, or the field is a composite field, the grid can only filter/sort primitive types. For complex types, they need to implement their own comparers, or you should only put the needed fields in the view model the grid is bound to. Here's this error treated in more detail: Is this what you have? If not, I'd suggest opening a support ticket where you can send me the reproducible.

Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik UI for Blazor
Posted on: 08 Jul 2019 09:27

Hello Marin

i have installed Version 1.3.0.
I can now edit the decimal value correctly, but a new problem occured.
The edited value is not passed with the GridCommandEventArgs (event OnUpdate). It is always 0.

What I also have noticed is that when the Column-Filter is set to True (Filterable="true") on one of the columns, a null-pointer exception is thrown and the page stops rendering.






Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 02 Jul 2019 07:52
Hello Gert,

I moved this to the portal so it can get fixed. Here's the new URL:

The only workaround I can offer for the moment is to us the "inline" editing mode.
With Preview7 when event callbacks get fixed for generic components, perhaps you would be able to hook to the ValueChanged of a numeric textbox defined in a custom editor and update the actual data source, but for the time being this isn't possible because of this issue.

Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik UI for Blazor