Last Updated: 29 Dec 2021 22:50 by Daniel
Deborah Ainscough
Created on: 28 May 2019 14:12
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Xml Editor

Would be great to have a user XML Editor, with input/output from string/stream and an attached XSD for continuous validation?

I realise this wouldn't be priority, just wondered if it could be put on roadmap at some point.

Many thanks,

David Speak. 

Posted on: 29 Dec 2021 22:50

Why dont try this free and open source blazor xml editor project?

Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 29 May 2019 07:00
Hello David,

This looks a lot like server-side functionality, because schema validation and actual read/write operations are in the domain of the application. Once you have the read, validate, write operations done (probably the built-in .NET classes will let you do that relatively easy - see here and here, and on validation - here), you can have a model for the data and show and edit it in a grid.

With that said, such a component falls out of the scope of our UI components and its implementation is rather unlikely.

Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik UI for Blazor