Last Updated: 08 May 2019 04:26 by ADMIN
Created on: 08 May 2019 02:24
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Components to easily build video conferencing and phone call capabilities into web applications
For example we have built a web application using ReactJS which uses video and phone API capabilities from Twilio. If there are built in blazor components, application development becomes easy. 
1 comment
Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 08 May 2019 04:26
Hello Shanthu,

Video conferencing is a very complex system, that relies heavily on using its own network traffic utilities so it can improve jitter and bandwidth usage. We build components that step on the native Blazor framework and its built-in capabilities. As such, conferencing tooling is far beyond the scope of UI components that we specialize in, and I would recommend using a solution by a vendor specialized in such tooling. You may even consider creating your own components that wrap the Twilio JS API through the Blazor JS Interop, assuming this is allowed by their legal agreements. Since they seem to need to use browser APIs such as camera/microphones, and not really interact with the DOM, they seem like a good candidate for a wrapper. You can read more on the architectural differences in the following blog post:

Marin Bratanov
Progress TelerikUI for Blazor