Last Updated: 07 Aug 2024 13:32 by ADMIN
Created on: 06 Aug 2024 08:35
Category: TabStrip
Type: Feature Request
TabStrip - Add OnBeforeActiveTabIndexChange event

Hi all,

Could you please add the OnBeforeActiveTabIndexChange event and allow cancellation (prevent) of ActiveTabIndexChanged in the handler?

I saw an example in the doc about how to prevent tab (index) change, but it is not sufficient because of:

- event if you won't change the tab index, the active tab is still being destroyed and recreated;

- we want to avoid keeping the tab in memory by using the PersistTabContent flag;

 We need to prevent tab switching by showing the user a confirmation and reacting to the user's choice. We need to prevent the tab switching - not to post react and apply any kind of crutches.

This item is a duplicate of an already existing item. You can find the original item here:
1 comment
Hristian Stefanov
Posted on: 07 Aug 2024 13:32

Hi Igor,

I can confirm that this feature request is indeed valid and has already been submitted on our Public Feedback Portal. Therefore, I will mark this item as a "Duplicate" of the original request.

Hristian Stefanov
Progress Telerik

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