Last Updated: 26 Apr 2023 13:23 by ADMIN
Created on: 18 Apr 2023 15:32
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Bug Report
Gantt tree list display bug when no Height parameter is specified

If the Height parameter is not specified, in the Gantt tree list, every line after the number of lines of the initial display are not shown.


The steps are easy to reproduce:

Start from the official Gantt Demo in the REPL and simply remove the Height parameter from TelerikGantt.

If you do this, you will see that opening the children of the first and only element in the tree list will show everything correctly in the Timeline part (if no mistake) but doesn't show the children lines in the TreeList part.


Therefore, I believe, the Height parameter should become mandatory until we can allow the height of the Gantt to be dynamic without rendering issues.
Posted on: 26 Apr 2023 13:23

Hi Tom,

OK, I see your point.

I am confirming this report and we will decide what to do - throw an exception if Height is not set, or enhance the component to support such scenarios.

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 25 Apr 2023 09:33

Thank you for your answer.

I agree on how having a dynamic height for the gantt could be inconvenient for users even if a MaxHeight parameter should fix this issue, however I don't believe this feature would add a lot as Gantt tend to have many items displayed.


I guess having a compiler Warning, Error or a message (like you already do when Data is missing) should be enough to help most developers to easily be aware of this issue and locate the source of it.

Posted on: 25 Apr 2023 05:43

Hi Tom,

Yes, the Gantt Height parameter is inherently required for a few reasons.

  • The Gantt TreeList has no vertical scrollbar and scrolls programmatically when the TimeLine is scrolled. If the TreeList expands freely, it will not be scrollable. That's why we set an explicit height to it on initialization, which depends on the overall component height.
  • If the Gantt has no Height and expands beyond the browser viewport, it will be very inconvenient for users to scroll the TimeLine horizontally without seeing the time headers at the top.

Do you prefer us to throw an exception if the Gantt Height is not set?

Progress Telerik

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