Last Updated: 18 Apr 2024 13:19 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)
Created on: 13 Jul 2021 11:46
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
Allow displaying more than two events per day in the Scheduler month view
The month view only shows two events per day. I would like to be able to show more, either by increasing the height of the cell or by creating columns within the cell.
Posted on: 14 Feb 2024 11:59
Thank you for moving this to the Planning stage!
Posted on: 31 Jan 2024 13:54
We need this - we use this in a customer facing context where they often have 3 or 4 items per day and it turns out that the "click the ellipses to go into day view" isn't at all obvious to many of them.

The adaptive slot height solution would be ideal. Please prioritise.
Posted on: 30 Jan 2024 09:17
We really need this feature in Blazor. It seems like it has been missed. This is a major blocker for us. :(
Posted on: 29 Jan 2024 14:25

Just to reiterate this to the Developers:

This feature **exists on all of your other Schedulers (.MVC, AJAX, etc....not Blazor)**


Posted on: 29 Jan 2024 14:12
Is there any progress on this. My client is requesting 4 items per day.
Posted on: 14 Sep 2023 20:06
Can this be prioritized, this is a huge pain when users are trying to see at a glance all events
Posted on: 17 Jul 2023 14:51
I also agree wholeheartedly on this! it's been 2 years and still no change. This is much needed!
Posted on: 26 Jun 2023 19:56

I wholeheartedly agree with the wholehearted agreement that this needs to happen. Please!!!



Posted on: 29 May 2023 15:35

I agree wholeheartedly on this. Telerik already has this for their Schedulers on CORE, MVC, AJAX and Kendo UI platforms, just not Blazor! 

My reasons I need this are:

  • Allow users to drag and drop across the entire month view, not just Week or Day View
  • Provide a high level visual view of each day of the month (whiich days have more appointments than others) without having to drill into each day that has more than two items.

Come on, people. This is NOT a heavy lift.

Posted on: 16 Jan 2023 20:42

I agree that this should be a basic feature of the scheduler. It is supported in the ASP.NET Core MVC grid and needs to be ported forward.




Robert C
Posted on: 02 Aug 2022 20:22
Another way of doing things is the way Syncfusion does it. Instead of forcing the user to switch to the day view, which doesn't make sense, display a popup with all the items when the more button is clicked. At the very least allow us to hook into the [...] button so we can show a popup.
Robert C
Posted on: 02 Aug 2022 20:09
This is major pain point for us. We used to use FullCalendar before Blazor, which our users loved. The Blazor scheduler feels like a huge step backwards. Please plan adding this feature.
Posted on: 28 Dec 2021 01:45

Hi Eli,

Thank you for sharing your feedback.

I think adaptive slot height is the feature that fit to the description. You could observe the behavior in Kendo as well. 

I am afraid I cannot give you a firm estimate when the feature will be implemented. However, we constantly prioritize our backlog with the most demanded items from our feedback portal.

If the feature is urgent for you - we have a Feature Acceleration Program where you could negotiate a deal with our management to include the feature sooner in our roadmap. This service is paid.

Progress Telerik

Learn about the important changes coming in UI for Blazor 3.0 in January 2022!
Posted on: 21 Dec 2021 16:17
This is a blocker on use of this control for us.  We would prefer a property to allow row height to auto fit, like your Ajax controls and other suites provide.