Last Updated: 13 May 2021 12:27 by Victor
Created on: 29 Apr 2021 17:09
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Bug Report
opening a TelerikDateRangePicker from a grid in a popup window get's rendered behind window

I see a good solution for angular (PopupSettings.appendTo)



but blazor only has the PopupClass attribute to work with.  Assigning that a class with a large z-index didn't help

This item is a duplicate of an already existing item. You can find the original item here:
Posted on: 13 May 2021 12:27

Woke up this morning, removed the css patch, your code worked, my code worked.  My guess is that brave's cache didn't completely flush out 2.23 until today?  Sorry Marin please close this!

Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 13 May 2021 06:10

Hello Victor,

This seems to work fine with me, can you reproduce this issue with the snippet below? I'm also attaching a short video so you can confirm if I am missing some step.

<TelerikWindow @bind-Visible="@WindowIsVisible" Modal="true">
        <strong>The Title</strong>
        Selected value: @selectedValue
        <br />

        <TelerikComboBox Data="@myComboData" TextField="MyTextField" ValueField="MyValueField" @bind-Value="selectedValue"
                         Placeholder="Select an item..." ClearButton="true" Filterable="true" FilterOperator="@StringFilterOperator.Contains">
        <p>some more content</p>
        <p>lore ipsum</p>
        <WindowAction Name="Minimize"></WindowAction>
        <WindowAction Name="Maximize"></WindowAction>
        <WindowAction Name="Close"></WindowAction>

<TelerikButton OnClick="@( () => WindowIsVisible = !WindowIsVisible )">Toggle window</TelerikButton>

@code {
    bool WindowIsVisible { get; set; }
    IEnumerable<MyDdlModel> myComboData = Enumerable.Range(1, 20).Select(x => new MyDdlModel { MyTextField = "item " + x, MyValueField = x });

    int selectedValue { get; set; }

    //in a real case, the model is usually in a separate file
    //the model type and value field type must be provided to the dropdpownlist
    public class MyDdlModel
        public int MyValueField { get; set; }
        public string MyTextField { get; set; }

Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik

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Attached Files:
Posted on: 12 May 2021 22:13

looks like 2.24 indeed fixed it for the date range.  But I still need the CSS fix for a TelerikComboBox in a popup window:

If I open the combobox popup via chevron, then it gets the +1 z-index attribute applied to it's animation container.  However, if my first attempt to open the combobox popup is initiated via typing a search expression, then the animation container is created w/o a z-index attribute.

Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 30 Apr 2021 07:04

Hi Victor,

This will be fixed in our upcoming 2.24.0 release in mid-May, here's a workaround for the time being:

    .k-animation-container {
        z-index: 15000;

Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik

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