Acro field values don't show in the PDF VIewer, although they display in the print preview dialog.
This is a regression in version 7.0.0. Version 6.2.0 displays the acro field values as expected.
TELERIK edit: This public item originally concerned to all Acro fields. We fixed the problem for editable Acro fields, while the fix for readonly ones can be tracked at PDF Viewer does not display readonly Acro fields
Hello Evan,
Thanks for the new test PDF file. Indeed, the misunderstanding about readonly vs editable Acro fields is unfortunate, as it turns out we based our fix on a document with editable fields. Sorry about that.
I opened a new bug report that you can track and edited this one for better understanding what happened.
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Hello Dimo,
Unfortunately, the bug fix provided is still incomplete and have provided a sample below that exhibits the issue on your site. I'll make it easy for you, now you show the fields if they are editable but if the readonly flag is set for the ACRO field you don't show it. Unfortunately, on my original sample I left the fields editable so I could change customer sensitive data manually after the form was created and left as such. The new sample replaces sensitive data in code then flips the readonly flags as normal to prevent editing of the PDF later. We need the fields readonly after the PDF is written so we are still stuck at version 6 and unable to update to the latest version.
Best Regards
Hello Evan,
Please make sure that you have upgraded to version 8.0.0 and there is no browser cache issue. See the attached screenshot, which uses this REPL test page and the PDF file that you provided in your private support ticket. You can also test on our online PDF Viewer demos.
If the problem persists with other PDF files, please send them over. If you have any other questions of concerns about the fix, you can post them here. There is no need to create other public items, because we will still link them to this one.
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