Last Updated: 28 Jun 2024 05:40 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)
Created on: 05 Sep 2023 06:49
Category: Map
Type: Bug Report
Unify the zoom action behavior when using the plus button and mouse wheel
The amount of clicks on the + button and the amount of mouse wheel scrolls is different if you refresh the Map component. 
Posted on: 23 Jun 2024 17:48

hotfix  if you have ONLY ONE map at page.
- "ugly!!", but at least something:

var xlisteners = [];
//var gmapref = document.querySelector(".k-map") !! null
var f = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, fn, capture) {
//this.f = f;
if (type == "wheel" && this.className.includes("k-map")) {
if (xlisteners.length > 0) { /*alert('skip...' + xlisteners.length);*/ return; }//DO NOTHING
this.f = f;
xlisteners.push(fn);//for later cleanup use...
this.f(type, fn, capture);
//alert('added...' + xlisteners.length);
else {
this.f = f;
this.f(type, fn, capture);


//jf you want it call from code like: await JS.InvokeVoidAsync("mcleanup", "abcdefg");

function mcleanup(mid) {
if (xlisteners.length > 1) {
var element = document.querySelector(".k-map");
for (let i = 1; i < xlisteners.length; i++) {
console.log(i, xlisteners[i]);
element.removeEventListener("wheel", xlisteners[i], { passive: true });
//xlisteners.forEach((it) => { element.removeEventListener("wheel", it, { passive: true }); console.log(it); });


Posted on: 16 Jun 2024 19:32

info for previous post:

- "hotfix" means, how to safely remove event listener "wheel", which is randomly multiplicating(maybe its caused by Map.Refresh() method? ). There should be only ONE listener.

Example of wrong 5 event listeners assigned to map and every of them do the scrool. So you get scrolled 5x per mouse wheel up/down:

if i delete it in browser object inspector, and leave only "one", everything is ok.

Some kind of "cleaner"(js call from code) will help, before full fix will be available.


Posted on: 16 Jun 2024 19:14


 is there some temporary "external hotfix"?

- like: disabling mouse wheel zoom at JS level. Just mouse wheel, no others variants.

Posted on: 05 Sep 2023 07:19

On every refresh, the zoom step of the mouse wheel increases. If the component is refreshed several times, the mouse wheel zooming and the +/- buttons from the keyboard become very confusing. They zoom in and out to the maximum/minimum zoom level. The MapControlsZoom component works properly.

If the map is used in application that intends to dynamically show different items on the map, the zooming quickly becomes a problem.