Last Updated: 05 Jan 2022 13:16 by ADMIN
Created on: 30 Dec 2021 20:54
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Bug Report
initCheckBox was undefined


I have found some evidence of a bug which I believe add to the portrait of this issue which has already been reported but declined. Could you please have a look at my recent comments and report it to follow on it (so it remains active)?




1 comment
Hristian Stefanov
Posted on: 05 Jan 2022 13:16

Hi Maurice,

The reported error occurs when there is a problem with the javascript file in a project. The next step I would suggest is to inspect the index.html file inside the wwwroot folder in your Client project. The js you should have referenced should look like this:

(static assets)

<script src="_content/Telerik.UI.for.Blazor/js/telerik-blazor.js" defer></script>



<script src="" defer></script>

Please make sure you have one of them. 

I have to mark the current thread here as "declined" because it is not really a bug in the component. I suggest also checking our article for such javascript errors:

Javascript Errors article

If, after applying the ideas from above, you still get the same errors, please send us a small project that shows the error. This will allow us to investigate further and suggest next steps.

Thank you.

Hristian Stefanov
Progress Telerik

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