Last Updated: 03 Jun 2020 16:31 by ADMIN
Release R2 2020 SP1 (LIB 2020_2_603)
Created on: 12 May 2020 15:44
Category: Form
Type: Bug Report
RadSpellChecker: popup button form layout when using themes (Material mainly) overlapping


Using the spellchecker, and the popup when using themes overlaps as per image below. If i make : 

        e.SpellingForm.Controls("buttonIgnoreAll").Visible = False
The next one below does the same. How do i modify this ? 






1 comment
Nadya | Tech Support Engineer
Posted on: 15 May 2020 13:33

Hello Galvin,

Thank you for the provided information.

I was able to reproduce it on my end and confirm that the button layout overlaps when spell checking form is shown in Material themes. This is why I have logged it on our Feedback Portal by making this thread public. You can track its progress, subscribe to status changes, and add your comment to it here.

I have also updated your Telerik Points.

Currently, I can suggest to arrange manually the buttons depending on which SpellCheckMode(WordByWord or AllAtOnceyou use. Please refer to the following code snippet:

Private Sub RadSpellChecker1_SpellingFormShowing(sender As Object, e As SpellingFormShowingEventArgs)
        RemoveHandler e.SpellingForm.Shown, AddressOf Me.SpellingForm_Shown
        AddHandler e.SpellingForm.Shown, AddressOf Me.SpellingForm_Shown
    End Sub

    Private Sub SpellingForm_Shown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim form = TryCast(sender, Form)

        If Me.RadSpellChecker1.SpellCheckMode = SpellCheckMode.AllAtOnce Then
            Dim buttonIgnore As RadButton = TryCast(form.Controls("buttonIgnore"), RadButton)
            buttonIgnore.Location = New Point(361, 114)
            buttonIgnore.Size = New Size(150, 36)
            Dim buttonIgnore As RadButton = TryCast(form.Controls("buttonIgnore"), RadButton)
            buttonIgnore.Location = New Point(365, 12)
            buttonIgnore.Size = New Size(150, 36)
            Dim buttonIgnoreAll As RadButton = TryCast(form.Controls("buttonIgnoreAll"), RadButton)
            buttonIgnoreAll.Location = New Point(365, 54)
            buttonIgnoreAll.Size = New Size(150, 36)
            Dim addtoDict As RadButton = TryCast(form.Controls("buttonAddToDictionary"), RadButton)
            addtoDict.Location = New Point(365, 96)
            addtoDict.Size = New Size(150, 36)
            Dim buttonChange As RadButton = TryCast(form.Controls("buttonChange"), RadButton)
            buttonChange.Location = New Point(365, 138)
            buttonChange.Size = New Size(150, 36)
            Dim buttonChangeAll As RadButton = TryCast(form.Controls("buttonChangeAll"), RadButton)
            buttonChangeAll.Location = New Point(365, 180)
            buttonChangeAll.Size = New Size(150, 36)
        End If
    End Sub

I attached my sample project for your reference as well.

I hope this helps. Should you have other questions do not hesitate to ask.

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