In Development
Last Updated: 25 Jul 2024 14:46 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 2024 Q3 (August)
The ToolStrip inside the AutoHidePopup is not disposed
Last Updated: 01 May 2024 09:57 by ADMIN
In this case, we have 5 MDI children and the last one is active. Closing the first one from the tab close button will activate the second child. Closing a non-active child should not change the active window in MDI scenario.
Last Updated: 22 Apr 2024 10:05 by ADMIN

 this.toolWindow1.TabStrip.MinimumSize = new Size(200,200)




Last Updated: 18 Jul 2023 14:26 by ADMIN
Release R2 2023 SP1
Created by: Kris
Comments: 1
Category: Dock
Type: Feature Request
Currently, the RadDock control exposes 2 methods: RemoveAllWindows() and RemoveAllDocumentWindows(). The first one removes all windows, while the second one removes all document windows. We can expose a similar method that removes all windows, except document windows.
Last Updated: 18 Jul 2023 14:26 by ADMIN
Release R2 2023 SP1
Currently, loading the store layout in RadDock may result in different UI panels according to the available internal splitcontainers/panels that are invisible. Perhaps a "SaveAsDefaultLayout()" and "RestoreDefaultLayout()" method could be introduced. Thus, it wouldn't be necessary to clear the windows before loading XML layout.
Last Updated: 27 Mar 2023 06:39 by ADMIN
Release R1 2023 SP1

When closing the MDI child, its FormClosing event is called twice. This is not observed if we close its HostWindow first.


Last Updated: 09 Jan 2023 13:37 by ADMIN
All you need to do to reproduce the issue is to run, close, run, close several times - maybe 5 or more times, and observe the floating windows increasing in size.  
Last Updated: 26 Dec 2022 11:08 by ADMIN
Currently, when you load a layout and the XML contains a lot of windows, even though they may not all be visible, I have to set the Visible property to false on the RadDock control to eliminate some funky refreshes are visible to the user (something we want to avoid). I also wanted to mention that using SuspendLayout/ResumeLayout instead of using Visible=false/true does not work.  Maybe this is something the development team can investigate at some point as well.
Last Updated: 23 Sep 2022 13:07 by ADMIN
Release R3 2022
Created by: Danilo
Comments: 0
Category: Dock
Type: Bug Report

Our application embed a RadDock element.Unfortunately, in a non-systematic way, our application crash with this stack trace: 

Our application is a 64bit application (we migrated it to NET6 using Telerik 2022.2.510.60). As I told unfortunately in this case I'm not able to isolate the case in a simple project (as I'm used to to).

It would be useful by your side, however, make a check to the last trace line of the log I've gave to you: 

 at Telerik.WinControls.UI.ThemedFormBehavior.OnWMNCHitTest(Message& m)

If I decompile your code I find this:

L_param, returned in (1) is an IntPtr that, on a 64bit machine running a 64bit application could contains a value that SOMETIMES will crash in (2) where you try to convert it with an IntTo32 method...

99 time to 100 the code in line 755 works fine but I think that it is not guaranteed that L_Param returned in (1) can be fit in a 32bit box. This could explain why I use the phrase " a very random way" and why, at the moment, I'm not be able to give you a simple application where the problem is systematic.

I suspect that at line 755 we have got a problem, I'll appreciate your point of view about it.
Last Updated: 21 Sep 2022 12:57 by ADMIN
Release R3 2022 SP1
Please run the sample project and try to move some of windows. You will notice that the drag operation is freezes. The two gif files illustrates the current and previous behavior.
Last Updated: 16 Sep 2022 07:07 by Ark Technologies
In this particular case, a HostWindow is hidden in the Loaded event of the Form. When we save the layout and load it again, the wrong autohide window is shown. The HostWindow.Hide() method in the loading scenario is forcing the wrong AutoHide HostWindow to be shown.
Last Updated: 08 Aug 2022 11:12 by Mark
The problematic tool window has a user control that is docked to fill and it is built entirely with Telerik controls. The dock control, tab strips, windows and even the controls inside the user control are correctly scaled. The issue comes when you start undocking and then docking the tool window. The size of the user control increases with each operation. The controls have anchors and although they have correct scaling they get stretched. This results in messed layout. 

The DocumentTabStrip and ToolTabStrip are created dynamically and when they initialize they call their Scale method. The tool window, the user control, and also all other controls added to it are created only once. When you undock the window a new tab strip is created and the existing controls are added to it. When we load the tab strip we call PerformRadAutoScale which calls the stip's Scale method. Calling Scale propagates to the child controls causing additional scaling to the Microsoft controls. RadControls don't have issues because we have logic to check the scaling of the window and we don't allow double scaling.

As a workaround, we can create custom tab strips and override the ScaleChildren property to return false.

this.radDock1.DockTabStripNeeded += this.RadDock1_DockTabStripNeeded;
private void RadDock1_DockTabStripNeeded(object sender, DockTabStripNeededEventArgs e)
    if (e.DockType == DockType.ToolWindow)
        e.Strip = new MyToolTabStrip();
        e.Strip = new MyDocumentTabStrip();

public class MyToolTabStrip : ToolTabStrip
    protected override bool ScaleChildren => false;

public class MyDocumentTabStrip : DocumentTabStrip
    protected override bool ScaleChildren => false;

Last Updated: 19 May 2022 14:24 by ADMIN
Release R2 2022 SP1
When saving and loading the RadDock layout from XML, the position of the tab is not preserved correctly.
Last Updated: 21 Apr 2022 05:32 by ADMIN
Use cases:

1. You have a MainDocumentContainer with Document windows in it, placed in one under the other. Setting the DockState of the bottom DocumentWindow to Hidden, and restoring it afterwards, should place the DocumentWindow at the same place, instead of merging it with the above one

2. Same layout as above, when the layout is saved and then restored, the DocumentWindow positions should be exactly as they were
Last Updated: 02 Feb 2022 12:27 by ADMIN

Use the following code snippet:

            ToolTabStrip tabStrip = this.toolWindow1.TabStrip as ToolTabStrip; 
            this.toolWindow1.Text = "<html><span style=\"font-family:Segoe UI;font-size:8.25;\"><b>Hello</b></span><span" +
   " style=\"font-family:Segoe UI;font-size:8.25;\">Woooooooooooooooooorld</span></html>";
            TextPrimitive text = tabStrip.CaptionElement.FindDescendant<TextPrimitive>();
            text.ClipDrawing = true;
            text.StretchHorizontally = false;
            text.DisableHTMLRendering = false;
            text.AutoEllipsis = false;

Last Updated: 13 Oct 2021 06:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Arikkan
Comments: 0
Category: Dock
Type: Bug Report
Please refer to the attached gif file illustrating better how the non-pinned tabs go behind the pinned tab. This behavior should be prevented and the tabs need to be arranged in a container on the right side of pinned tab.
Last Updated: 10 Jun 2021 13:29 by ADMIN


I have C# Winforms application targeting .Net 5.

I am trying to use the Raddock with the Visual Studio 2012 dark theme, adding to a radribbonform

There are several tool windows that i have tabbed using the Advance layout designer. When i try to select a tab in the main Visual studio designer i am unable to change it from the one i selected in the Advanced layout designer.

I am also unable to resize the windows using the split container while in standard design view.

I have attached a word document to try and explain.

My VS version is:


Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2019

Version 16.9.1



Last Updated: 04 Feb 2021 13:56 by ADMIN
Release R1 2021 SP1
Please refer to the attached gif file illustrating better the missing docking guides.
Last Updated: 24 Dec 2020 11:20 by ADMIN
Created by: Dimitar
Comments: 2
Category: Dock
Type: Bug Report
To reproduce: 
See attached video.

public Form1()
    RadDockEvents.TabStripItemCreating += RadDockEvents_TabStripItemCreating;
    radDock1.AutoHideAnimation = Telerik.WinControls.UI.Docking.AutoHideAnimateMode.None;

void RadDockEvents_TabStripItemCreating(object sender, TabStripItemCreatingEventArgs args)
    if (args.AutoHide)
        var currentScale = args.TabItem.DpiScaleFactor;

        Screen showScreen = Screen.FromControl(this);
        SizeF scale = NativeMethods.GetMonitorDpi(showScreen, NativeMethods.DpiType.Effective);
        if (scale != currentScale)
            var font = args.TabItem.Font;
            var newFont = new Font(font.Name, font.Size * scale.Width, font.Style);
            args.TabItem.Font = newFont;
protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e)
    RadDockEvents.TabStripItemCreating -= RadDockEvents_TabStripItemCreating;
Last Updated: 14 Sep 2020 12:47 by ADMIN
Release R3 2020


I am trying to make a Winforms app high dpi aware. All seems fine except when using a toolwindow on a raddock. Is there some special to setup when I want a Raddock to also autoscale?

I created a GIF to example the behaviour. The left side is at 15% and the right side just at 100%. I move the form from right to left and back. As you can see most controls get resized, except for the size of the toolwindows in the raddock.

The raddock is the only dock on the form and is set to dock in parrent. 


At the end of the gif you can see some behaviour when I place the form over both screens. Then the applications breaks. I get this error:

  Message=Fout bij het maken van de vensterkoppeling. (Translation: Error making window link.)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.CreateHandle(CreateParams cp)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.EnsureHandle()
   at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.StartTimer(Int32 interval)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.set_Enabled(Boolean value)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.Start()
   at Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadFormControlBase.ScaleControl(SizeF factor, BoundsSpecified specified)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ScaleControl(SizeF includedFactor, SizeF excludedFactor, Control requestingControl)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Scale(SizeF factor)
   at Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadFormControlBase.HandleDpiChanged()
   at Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadFormControlBase.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.DebuggableCallback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)


Maybe this is normal behaviour, but I still want to mention it, because it is possible that in an work environment, someone might to this from time to time. Maybe not on purpose, but still.

Regariding the high DPI, am I doing something wrong?




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