To reproduce: please run the attached sample project and have a look at the gif file. Workaround: in the _HideWeekDays method, don't pass 0 width as a parameter in the SetColumnWidth method. Use 0.01 instead.
To reproduce: public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); culture.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday; this.radScheduler1.Culture = culture; this.radScheduler1.ActiveViewType = Telerik.WinControls.UI.SchedulerViewType.Month; Appointment a = new Appointment(new DateTime(2016, 8, 29, 0, 0, 0), new DateTime(2016, 9, 5, 0, 0, 0), "Meeting"); this.radScheduler1.Appointments.Add(a); this.radScheduler1.FocusedDate = new DateTime(2016, 9, 1); } Please refer to the attached gif file.
If I set '2 Settimane' (2 Weeks in English) and re-open the appointment it show '2 ore' (2 hours in English) or
If i set '4 giorni' (4 days in English) and re-open the appointment it show '4 ore' (4 hours in English)
The code snippet reproduces the issue:
Public Class RadForm1
Sub New()
RadSchedulerLocalizationProvider.CurrentProvider = New ItalianSchedulerLocalizationProvider()
End Sub
Private Sub RadForm1_Initialized(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Initialized
End Sub
End Class
Public Class ItalianSchedulerLocalizationProvider
Inherits RadSchedulerLocalizationProvider
Public Overrides Function GetLocalizedString(id As String) As String
Select Case id
Case RadSchedulerStringId.NextAppointment
Return "Prossimi Appuntamenti"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.PreviousAppointment
Return "Appuntamenti Precedenti"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.AppointmentDialogTitle
Return "Modifica Appuntamento"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.AppointmentDialogSubject
Return "Oggetto:"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.AppointmentDialogLocation
Return "Posizione:"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.AppointmentDialogBackground
Return "Sfondo:"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.AppointmentDialogDescription
Return "Descrizione:"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.AppointmentDialogStartTime
Return "Ora di inizio:"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.AppointmentDialogEndTime
Return "Ora di fine:"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.AppointmentDialogAllDay
Return "Tutto il giorno"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.AppointmentDialogResource
Return "Risorsa:"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.AppointmentDialogStatus
Return "Mostra come:"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.AppointmentDialogOK
Return "OK"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.AppointmentDialogCancel
Return "Annulla"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.AppointmentDialogDelete
Return "Elimina"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.AppointmentDialogRecurrence
Return "Ricorrenza"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.OpenRecurringDialogTitle
Return "Apri elemento ricorrente"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.DeleteRecurrenceDialogOK
Return "OK"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.OpenRecurringDialogOK
Return "OK"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.DeleteRecurrenceDialogCancel
Return "Annulla"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.OpenRecurringDialogCancel
Return "Annulla"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.OpenRecurringDialogLabel
Return """{0}"" è un appuntamento" & vbLf & "ricorrente. Vuoi aprire" & vbLf & "la sola occorenza o la serie?"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.OpenRecurringDialogRadioOccurrence
Return "Apri questa occorrenza."
Case RadSchedulerStringId.OpenRecurringDialogRadioSeries
Return "Apri la serie."
Case RadSchedulerStringId.DeleteRecurrenceDialogTitle
Return "Conferma cancellazione"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.DeleteRecurrenceDialogRadioOccurrence
Return "Elimina questa occorrenza."
Case RadSchedulerStringId.DeleteRecurrenceDialogRadioSeries
Return "Elimina la serie."
Case RadSchedulerStringId.DeleteRecurrenceDialogLabel
Return "Vuoi eliminare tutte le occorrenze dell'appuntamento ricorrente ""{0}"", o sola questa?"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDragDropCreateExceptionDialogText
Return "Hai modificato la data di una singola occorrenza di un appuntamento ricorrente. Per modificare tutte le date, aprire la serie." & vbLf & "Vuoi cambiare solo questa?"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDragDropValidationSameDateText
Return "Due occorrenze della stessa serie non possono verificarsi nello stesso giorno."
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDragDropValidationSkipOccurrenceText
Return "Non è possibile riprogrammare un'occorrenza di un appuntamento ricorrente se viene saltata un'occorrenza successiva dello stesso appuntamento."
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogMessageBoxText
Return "La data di inizio deve essere precedente alla data di fine."
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogMessageBoxWrongRecurrenceRuleText
Return "Il modello di ricorrenza non è valido."
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogMessageBoxTitle
Return "Errore di validazione"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogTitle
Return "Modifica ricorrenza"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogAppointmentTimeGroup
Return "Orario dell'appuntamento"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogDuration
Return "Durata:"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogAppointmentEnd
Return "Fine:"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogAppointmentStart
Return "Inizio:"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogRecurrenceGroup
Return "Modello di ricorrenza"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogRangeGroup
Return "Intervallo di ricorrenza"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogOccurrences
Return "occorrenze"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogRecurrenceStart
Return "Inizio:"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogYearly
Return "Annuale"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogHourly
Return "Ora"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogMonthly
Return "Mese"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogWeekly
Return "Settimana"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogDaily
Return "Giorno"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogEndBy
Return "Fine entro:"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogEndAfter
Return "Fine dopo:"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogNoEndDate
Return "Nessuna data di fine"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogAllDay
Return "Evento tutto il giorno"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogDurationDropDown1Day
Return "1 giorno"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogDurationDropDown2Days
Return "2 giorni"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogDurationDropDown3Days
Return "3 giorni"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogDurationDropDown4Days
Return "4 giorni"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogDurationDropDown1Week
Return "1 settimana"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogDurationDropDown2Weeks
Return "2 settimane"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogOK
Return "OK"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogCancel
Return "Annulla"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.RecurrenceDialogRemoveRecurrence
Return "Elimina Ricorrenza"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.HourlyRecurrenceEvery
Return "Ogni"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.HourlyRecurrenceHours
Return "Ora(e)"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.DailyRecurrenceEveryDay
Return "Ogni"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.DailyRecurrenceEveryWeekday
Return "Ogni giorno della settimana"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.DailyRecurrenceDays
Return "giorno(i)"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.WeeklyRecurrenceRecurEvery
Return "Ricorre ogni"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.WeeklyRecurrenceWeeksOn
Return "settimana(e) dopo:"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.WeeklyRecurrenceSunday
Return "Domenica"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.WeeklyRecurrenceMonday
Return "Lunedì"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.WeeklyRecurrenceTuesday
Return "Martedì"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.WeeklyRecurrenceWednesday
Return "Mercoledì"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.WeeklyRecurrenceThursday
Return "Giovedì"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.WeeklyRecurrenceFriday
Return "Venerdì"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.WeeklyRecurrenceSaturday
Return "Sabato"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.WeeklyRecurrenceDay
Return "Giorno"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.WeeklyRecurrenceWeekday
Return "Giorno lavorativo"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.WeeklyRecurrenceWeekendDay
Return "Giorno del fine settimana"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.MonthlyRecurrenceDay
Return "Giorno"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.MonthlyRecurrenceWeek
Return "Il"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.MonthlyRecurrenceDayOfMonth
Return "di ogni"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.MonthlyRecurrenceMonths
Return "mese(i)"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.MonthlyRecurrenceWeekOfMonth
Return "di ogni"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.MonthlyRecurrenceFirst
Return "Primo"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.MonthlyRecurrenceSecond
Return "Secondo"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.MonthlyRecurrenceThird
Return "Terzo"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.MonthlyRecurrenceFourth
Return "Quarto"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.MonthlyRecurrenceLast
Return "Ultimo"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.YearlyRecurrenceDayOfMonth
Return "Ogni"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.YearlyRecurrenceWeekOfMonth
Return "Il"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.YearlyRecurrenceOfMonth
Return "di"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.YearlyRecurrenceJanuary
Return "Gennaio"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.YearlyRecurrenceFebruary
Return "Febbraio"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.YearlyRecurrenceMarch
Return "Marzo"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.YearlyRecurrenceApril
Return "Aprile"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.YearlyRecurrenceMay
Return "Maggio"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.YearlyRecurrenceJune
Return "Giugno"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.YearlyRecurrenceJuly
Return "Luglio"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.YearlyRecurrenceAugust
Return "Agosto"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.YearlyRecurrenceSeptember
Return "Settembre"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.YearlyRecurrenceOctober
Return "Ottobre"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.YearlyRecurrenceNovember
Return "Novembre"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.YearlyRecurrenceDecember
Return "Dicembre"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.BackgroundNone
Return "Nessuna"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.BackgroundImportant
Return "Importante"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.BackgroundBusiness
Return "Business"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.BackgroundPersonal
Return "Personale"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.BackgroundVacation
Return "Vacanza"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.BackgroundMustAttend
Return "Deve Frequentare"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.BackgroundTravelRequired
Return "Viaggio Richiesto"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.BackgroundNeedsPreparation
Return "Necessita di preparazione"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.BackgroundBirthday
Return "Compleanno"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.BackgroundAnniversary
Return "Anniversario"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.BackgroundPhoneCall
Return "Chiamata Tel."
Case RadSchedulerStringId.StatusBusy
Return "Occupato"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.StatusFree
Return "Libero"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.StatusTentative
Return "Tentative"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.StatusUnavailable
Return "Non Disponibile"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderNone
Return "Nessuno"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderOneMinute
Return "1 minuto"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderMinutes
Return " minuti"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderOneSecond
Return "1 secondo"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderSeconds
Return " secondi"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderDays
Return " giorni"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderWeeks
Return " settimane"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderHours
Return " ore"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderZeroMinutes
Return "0 minuti"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderFiveMinutes
Return "5 minuti"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderTenMinutes
Return "10 minuti"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderFifteenMinutes
Return "15 minuti"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderThirtyMinutes
Return "30 minuti"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderOneHour
Return "1 ora"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderTwoHours
Return "2 ore"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderThreeHours
Return "3 ore"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderFourHours
Return "4 ore"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderFiveHours
Return "5 ore"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderSixHours
Return "6 ore"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderSevenHours
Return "7 ore"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderEightHours
Return "8 ore"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderNineHours
Return "9 ore"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderTenHours
Return "10 ore"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderElevenHours
Return "11 ore"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderTwelveHours
Return "12 ore"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderEighteenHours
Return "18 ore"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderOneDay
Return "1 giorno"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderTwoDays
Return "2 giorni"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderThreeDays
Return "3 giorni"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderFourDays
Return "4 giorni"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderOneWeek
Return "1 settimana"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ReminderTwoWeeks
Return "2 settimane"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.Reminder
Return "Promemoria"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenuNewAppointment
Return "Nuovo Appuntamento"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenuEditAppointment
Return "Modifica Appuntamento"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenuNewRecurringAppointment
Return "Nuovo appuntamento ricorrente"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenu60Minutes
Return "60 Minuti"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenu30Minutes
Return "30 Minuti"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenu15Minutes
Return "15 Minuti"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenu10Minutes
Return "10 Minuti"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenu6Minutes
Return "6 Minuti"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenu5Minutes
Return "5 Minuti"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenuNavigateToNextView
Return "Vista Successiva"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenuNavigateToPreviousView
Return "Vista Precedente"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenuTimescales
Return "Scale temporali"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenuTimescalesYear
Return "Anno"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenuTimescalesMonth
Return "Mese"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenuTimescalesWeek
Return "Settimana"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenuTimescalesDay
Return "Giorno"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenuTimescalesHour
Return "Ora"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenuTimescalesHalfHour
Return "30 minuti"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ContextMenuTimescalesFifteenMinutes
Return "15 minuti"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ErrorProviderWrongAppointmentDates
Return "L'ora di fine dell'appuntamento è inferiore o uguale all'ora di inizio!"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ErrorProviderWrongExceptionDuration
Return "L'intervallo di ricorrenza deve essere maggiore o uguale alla durata dell'appuntamento!"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ErrorProviderExceptionSameDate
Return "Due occorrenze della stessa serie non possono verificarsi nello stesso giorno."
Case RadSchedulerStringId.ErrorProviderExceptionSkipOverDate
Return "L'eccezione di ricorrenza non può ignorare un'occorrenza successiva dello stesso appuntamento."
Case RadSchedulerStringId.TimeZoneLocal
Return "Locale"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.CategoryNone
Return "Personale"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.CategoryBlue
Return "Riunione"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.CategoryGray
Return "Contabilita"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.CategoryGreen
Return "SiCoGe Impegno"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.CategoryLavender
Return "SiCoGe OP"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.CategoryOlive
Return "SiCoGe OA"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.CategoryOrange
Return "SiCoGe Var. Competenza"
Case RadSchedulerStringId.CategoryOrange
Return "SiCoGe Var. Cassa"
Case Else
Return "*UNKNOWN"
End Select
End Function
The users will be doing a lot of drag/drop and there could be 10-15 appointments per day, so being able to see everything go makes the most sense. The row height should increace when containing more appointments and reduces its height if there are no appointments for that specific day.
Steps that lead to the undesired behavior:
1. Create a VB project with one of the templates:
2. Initially, there is no subscription to the CalendarUserControl.Load event:
3. After opening the designer, you are subscribing to the Load event by double-clicking the Load event in the Properties section:
Then, the generated event handler is underlined as in the above screenshot.
I have tested in brand new projects (.NET 6 and .NET Framework) and the default functionality of the drag drop services in RadScheduler and RadGridView. Indeed, the cursor is missing in .NET 6. The following screenshots illustrate the difference.
.NET 6:
This width is 6px by default and it doesn't offer convenient API for customizing it:
Use the following code:
Public Sub New()
RadSchedulerReminder1.TimeInterval = 500
Dim appointment As New Appointment(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), TimeSpan.FromHours(1), "A")
appointment.Reminder = New TimeSpan(10000)
Dim appointment2 As New Appointment(DateTime.Now.AddHours(-2), TimeSpan.FromHours(1), "B")
appointment2.Reminder = New TimeSpan(10000)
RadSchedulerReminder1.StartReminderInterval = Date.Now.AddDays(-1)
RadSchedulerReminder1.EndReminderInterval = Date.Now.AddDays(1)
End Sub
Private Sub RadForm1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
RadScheduler1.ActiveViewType = SchedulerViewType.Week
End Sub
Drag "A" on the same interval as "B". You will notice that the reminder dialog will continue to show only "B".
When RadScheduler is grouped by resources, the programmatically added Holidays are not displayed into the view:
Sub New()
Dim colors() As Color = {Color.LightBlue, Color.LightGreen, Color.LightYellow, Color.Red, Color.Orange, Color.Pink, Color.Purple, Color.Peru, Color.PowderBlue}
Dim names() As String = {"Alan Smith", "Anne Dodsworth", "Boyan Mastoni", "Richard Duncan", "Maria Shnaider"}
For i As Integer = 0 To names.Length - 1
Dim resource As New Telerik.WinControls.UI.Resource()
resource.Id = New EventId(i)
resource.Name = names(i)
resource.Color = colors(i)
Next i
Me.RadScheduler1.GroupType = GroupType.Resource
Me.RadScheduler1.ActiveView.ResourcesPerView = 2
Dim holiday As Holiday = New Holiday()
holiday.Date = New DateTime(2023, 3, 8)
holiday.HolidayName = "International Women's Day"
holiday.Location = "Bulgaria"
Dim generateAppointment As Boolean = True
Me.RadScheduler1.Holidays.AddHoliday(holiday, generateAppointment)
End Sub
How it looks with resources:
How it looks without resources:
The local time is EEST — Eastern European Summer Time (Current Offset: UTC/GMT +3 hours). Add an additional time zone IST — India Standard Time (Current Offset: UTC/GMT +5:30 hours). It is expected to show 2 hours and 30 minutes difference between the two times zones. However, it is 1 hour and 30 minutes:
Public Sub New()
allTimeZones = SchedulerTimeZone.GetSchedulerTimeZones()
Dim mumbai As SchedulerTimeZone = GetSpecificTimeZone("India Standard Time")
If Not mumbai.Equals(Me.RadScheduler1.GetDayView().DefaultTimeZone) Then
RadScheduler1.GetDayView().TimeZones.Insert(0, mumbai)
End If
Dim utc As SchedulerTimeZone = GetSpecificTimeZone("UTC")
If Not utc.Equals(Me.RadScheduler1.GetDayView().DefaultTimeZone) Then
RadScheduler1.GetDayView().TimeZones.Insert(0, utc)
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetSpecificTimeZone(_TimeZoneInformationID As String) As SchedulerTimeZone
Dim tempZone As New SchedulerTimeZone((From t In allTimeZones.Where(Function(x) x.TimeZoneInformation.Id Like _TimeZoneInformationID) Select t.TimeZoneInformation).First)
tempZone.Label = tempZone.TimeZoneInformation.BaseUtcOffset.ToString()
Return tempZone
Catch ex As Exception
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function
Actual: 1 hour behind the expected
Public Class Form1
Private allTimeZones As List(Of SchedulerTimeZone)
Public Sub New()
Me.RadScheduler1.ElementProvider = New CustomSchedulerElementProvider(Me.RadScheduler1)
allTimeZones = SchedulerTimeZone.GetSchedulerTimeZones()
Dim mumbai As SchedulerTimeZone = GetSpecificTimeZone("India Standard Time")
If Not mumbai.Equals(Me.RadScheduler1.GetDayView().DefaultTimeZone) Then
RadScheduler1.GetDayView().TimeZones.Insert(0, mumbai)
End If
Dim utc As SchedulerTimeZone = GetSpecificTimeZone("UTC")
If Not utc.Equals(Me.RadScheduler1.GetDayView().DefaultTimeZone) Then
RadScheduler1.GetDayView().TimeZones.Insert(0, utc)
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetSpecificTimeZone(_TimeZoneInformationID As String) As SchedulerTimeZone
Dim tempZone As New SchedulerTimeZone((From t In allTimeZones.Where(Function(x) x.TimeZoneInformation.Id Like _TimeZoneInformationID) Select t.TimeZoneInformation).First)
tempZone.Label = tempZone.TimeZoneInformation.BaseUtcOffset.ToString()
Return tempZone
Catch ex As Exception
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function
End Class
Public Class CustomSchedulerElementProvider
Inherits SchedulerElementProvider
Public Sub New(scheduler As RadScheduler)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function CreateRulerPrimitive(area As DayViewAppointmentsArea, timeZone As SchedulerTimeZone) As RulerPrimitive
Dim ruler As RulerPrimitive = MyBase.CreateRulerPrimitive(area, timeZone)
ruler.RulerRenderer = New CustomRulerRenderer(ruler)
Return ruler
End Function
End Class
Public Class CustomRulerRenderer
Inherits RulerRenderer
Public Sub New(ruler As RulerPrimitive)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub RenderHour(g As IGraphics, hour As Integer, bounds As RectangleF)
hour += Me.ruler.StartScale + CInt(Math.Ceiling(Me.ruler.DefaultOffset))
Dim currentTime As DateTime = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(hour)
Dim percent As Single = Me.ruler.DefaultOffset - CSng(Math.Floor(CDbl(Me.ruler.DefaultOffset)))
Dim x As Integer = Me.ruler.HourLineStartPosition
Dim y As Single = CSng(Math.Ceiling(bounds.Top + (GetSpecificRange() * bounds.Height) * percent))
Dim hourText As String = ""
If Me.ruler.FormatStrings.HoursFormatString IsNot Nothing Then
hourText = currentTime.ToString(Me.ruler.FormatStrings.HoursFormatString)
End If
'Dim args As RulerTextFormattingEventArgs = New RulerTextFormattingEventArgs(hourText, RulerTextFormattingContext.Hour, currentTime)
'hourText = args.Text
Dim minutesText As String = ""
If Me.ruler.FormatStrings.MinutesFormatString IsNot Nothing Then
minutesText = currentTime.ToString(Me.ruler.FormatStrings.MinutesFormatString)
End If
'args = New RulerTextFormattingEventArgs(minutesText, RulerTextFormattingContext.Minute, currentTime)
'minutesText = args.Text
Dim measuredSize As Size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(hourText, Me.ruler.Font)
measuredSize = DrawTimeText(g, y, hourText, minutesText, measuredSize)
If ruler.RightToLeft Then
g.DrawLine(Me.ruler.HourLineColor, Me.ruler.Bounds.Left, y, Me.ruler.Bounds.Width - x, y, Me.ruler.DpiScaleFactor.Height)
g.DrawLine(Me.ruler.HourLineShadowColor, Me.ruler.Bounds.Left, y + Me.ruler.DpiScaleFactor.Height, Me.ruler.Bounds.Width - x, y + Me.ruler.DpiScaleFactor.Height, Me.ruler.DpiScaleFactor.Height)
g.DrawLine(Me.ruler.HourLineColor, x, y, Me.ruler.Bounds.Width, y, Me.ruler.DpiScaleFactor.Height)
g.DrawLine(Me.ruler.HourLineShadowColor, x, y + Me.ruler.DpiScaleFactor.Height, Me.ruler.Bounds.Width, y + Me.ruler.DpiScaleFactor.Height, Me.ruler.DpiScaleFactor.Height)
End If
End Sub
Friend Function GetSpecificRange() As Integer
Return 60 / CInt(Me.ruler.RangeFactor)
End Function
End Class
Additional borders appear in AgendaView when the Date column is sorted. This behavior is observed in the following themes:
Please use the Demo application >> Scheduler example and follow the steps in the attached gif file.
Expected result: the deleted appointment should disappear from the grid after closing the edit dialog.
Actual result: the deleted appointment is still visible in the agenda grid after closing the edit dialog.
Note: pressing the Delete key when an appointment is selected in agenda view doesn't perform any delete operation. In the rest of the scheduler view, the selected appointment is deleted.
Workaround: after an appointment is deleted, refresh the agenda grid by changing the view:
Private Sub RadScheduler1_AppointmentDeleted(sender As Object, e As SchedulerAppointmentEventArgs)
Me.RadScheduler1.ActiveViewType = SchedulerViewType.Day
Me.RadScheduler1.ActiveViewType = SchedulerViewType.Agenda
End Sub
Hi Guys,
the colour scheme on your SchedulerBinderDataSource Appointment Mapping form is barely visible
Could you please darken the text so I can map things without squinting.
1) create new project with a radScheduler
2) add a new appointment with a subject of: <>
3) program will crash with System.InvalidOperationException: 'Collection was modified after the enumerator was instantiated.'
The program will crash even if you have additional text before the "<>" but having text after it will allow the program to continue running however, none of the text after the "<>" will display.
I found an issue when retrieving appointments using MultiDayView.GetAppointmentsInInterval
The issue occurs when creating a new appointment where AllDay is set to true
In the appointment, the Start and End date is automatically both set to the same value
When adding the appointment to the MultidayView and retrieving the appointments in interval (interval is set to 1 minute) the Appointment is not returned.
I guess the call only uses the Start and End date and not using the AllDay value
Grtz Patrick
By default, each Appointment has two properties: ResourceId and ResourceIds. Usually, the ResourceId is used when you have only a single resource for the appointment. In case you have multiple resources for an appointment the ResourceIds collection is used. However, the current implementation of the EditAppointmentDialog uses a RadDropDownList for the resource selection. Thus, the user is not allowed to create an appointment and assign two resources to it. It can be achieved only programmatically. This is a common scenario when creating a meeting and you have at least two participants. A possible solution would be to replace the resources RadDropDownList with a RadCheckedDropDownList. Thus, the user will be able to select multiple resources.
To reproduce: Color[] colors = new Color[] { Color.LightBlue, Color.LightGreen, Color.LightYellow, Color.Red, Color.Orange, Color.Pink, Color.Purple, Color.Peru, Color.PowderBlue }; Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { Resource resource = new Resource(); resource.Id = new EventId(i); resource.Name = i + ".Resource"; resource.Color = colors[rand.Next(0, colors.Length)]; this.radScheduler1.Resources.Add(resource); } this.radScheduler1.GroupType = GroupType.Resource; this.radScheduler1.ActiveView.ResourcesPerView = this.radScheduler1.Resources.Count; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Appointment a = new Appointment(DateTime.Now.AddHours(i), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30), "A" + i); a.ResourceId = this.radScheduler1.Resources.Last().Id; this.radScheduler1.Appointments.Add(a); } NOTE: it is also valid for the horizontal scrollbar in Timeline view. Workaround: use the SetResourceSize to increase the last resource's width a little bit:
Here is the code snippet:
Sub New()
Dim culture As CultureInfo = New CultureInfo("en-US")
culture.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday
culture.DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule = CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek
Me.RadScheduler1.Culture = culture
Me.RadScheduler1.ActiveViewType = Telerik.WinControls.UI.SchedulerViewType.Timeline
Dim timelineView As SchedulerTimelineView = Me.RadScheduler1.GetTimelineView()
Dim scale As Timescales = Timescales.Weeks
End Sub
Private Sub RadForm1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim baseDate As DateTime = DateTime.Today
Dim start As DateTime() = New DateTime() {baseDate.AddHours(14.0), baseDate.AddDays(1.0).AddHours(9.0), baseDate.AddDays(2.0).AddHours(13.0)}
Dim [end] As DateTime() = New DateTime() {baseDate.AddHours(16.0), baseDate.AddDays(1.0).AddHours(15.0), baseDate.AddDays(2.0).AddHours(17.0)}
Dim appointment As Appointment = Nothing
For i As Integer = 0 To 2
appointment = New Appointment(start(i), [end](i), "A" & i, "D" & i, "L" & i)
Me.RadScheduler1.ActiveView.StartDate = New DateTime(2020, 10, 11)
End Sub
You will notice that if the StartDate is changed the appointments occupy the wrong cells until you scroll horizontally and the view is updated.