//set SmallTickHeight
this.radTrackBar1.TrackBarElement.BodyElement.ScaleContainerElement.TopScaleElement.TickContainerElement.SmallTickHeight = 10;
When the RadPropertyGrid is in group scenario and we expand more property items, the scroll value is incorrect.
AllDay event is rendered on two days when using different TimeZone for SystemTimeZone with DefaultTimeZone
When trying to open the QuickStart solution from
C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik UI for WinForms 2025 Q1\Examples
installation folder, the following error appears:
Visual Studio 2022 crashes when working with a solution containing two WinForms projects:
Steps to Reproduce:
Expected Result:
Visual Studio should smoothly switch between code and designer views without issues.
Actual Result:
Visual Studio freezes and crashes after switching back to the WinForms designer in Project 2.
Additional Notes:
I've tested this with both Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadForm and Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadRibbonForm
Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadForm works fine! Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadRibbonForm fails to bubble up Keys.Up, Keys.Down, Keys.Left and Keys.Right
Create new WinForms project (I'm using .net 4.7.2)
Add Telerik extensions.
Add a Form (Windows Form default .Name = "Form1"), RadForm (default .Name = "RadForm1") and RadRibbonForm
You can use any Theme or default. Makes no difference.
Set all three form's .KeyPreview = True
Add this method to each form:
Private Sub form_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then
If My.Computer.Keyboard.ShiftKeyDown Then
MsgBox("Shift Up")
End If
End If
End Sub
Set your Startup Form = Form1 (The Windows Form) and click Start.
hit your UP-Arrow key. You'll get the MsgBox "Up!"
Hold shift+UP-Arrow and you'll get "Shift Up"
The above is True for Winforms AND RadForm but RadRibbonForm does this:
Set your Startup Form = radribbonform and click Start
Hit your UP-Arrow and you'll get...nothing. The event never gets raised.
Hold your shift+UP-Arrow and you'll get....nothing because the event does not fire when you hit any of the arrow keys.
In this scenario, the text on the connection between two shapes is drawn in the wrong location.
For example, if you choose to print second page like this:
It prints only the first page of the document, instead of the second page.
To reproduce: please refer to the attached sample project and gif file. Workaround: use screentips: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/winforms/telerik-presentation-framework/tooltips-and-screentips/screen-tips
Hello there,
I am facing system.StackOverflowExcepiton while exporting document with HtmlFormatProvider. I am attaching my code with the HTML string which I am passing into RichTextEditor.
HTML String:
"Navigate to the <a href="https://exelon.ifs.cloud/landing-page/" target="_blank"><b><u>IFS Cloud Landing Page</u></b></a>.<br /> <br />NOTE: If the above link does not work for you, copy and paste this address ...<br /> <br /><u>https://exelon.ifs.cloud/landing-page/</u>"
Method which is giving me an error:
internal static string GetRadRichTextEditorHtmlValue(RadRichTextEditor radRichTextEditor, bool RemoveNewLineSpace = false, bool withDocumentChange = true, bool removeLastParagraphLine = false, bool fromDefinationEditor = false, bool OnlyHtml = false, bool fromDynamicAssetDefinition = false)
//internal static string GetRadRichTextEditorHtmlValue(RadRichTextEditor radRichTextEditor, bool RemoveNewLineSpace = false, bool withDocumentChange = true, bool removeLastParagraphLine = false, bool fromDefinationEditor = false,bool OnlyHtml=false)
string htmlValue = string.Empty;
if (radRichTextEditor == null)
return "";
Telerik.WinForms.Documents.Model.RadDocument document = radRichTextEditor.Document;
Telerik.WinForms.Documents.FormatProviders.Html.HtmlFormatProvider provider = new Telerik.WinForms.Documents.FormatProviders.Html.HtmlFormatProvider();
if (withDocumentChange)
//Telerik.WinForms.Documents.FormatProviders.Html.HtmlExportSettings htmlExportSettings = new Telerik.WinForms.Documents.FormatProviders.Html.HtmlExportSettings();
//htmlExportSettings.ExportHeadingsAsTags = true;
//provider.ExportSettings = htmlExportSettings;
provider.ExportSettings.DocumentExportLevel = Telerik.WinForms.Documents.FormatProviders.Html.DocumentExportLevel.Fragment;
provider.ExportSettings.ExportFontStylesAsTags = true;
htmlValue = provider.Export(document); // Exception place.
if (withDocumentChange)
string strikeClassName = GetStrikeClassName(htmlValue);
htmlValue = GetTagValueFromHtmlString(htmlValue, fromDefinationEditor, fromDynamicAssetDefinition);
htmlValue = StripHtmlExceptFontTags(htmlValue, strikeClassName, RemoveNewLineSpace, OnlyHtml);
catch (Exception ex)
ClickLearn.Exceptions.ExceptionToEventLog(ex, "GetRadRichTextEditorHtmlValue");
// TO DO: Remove below condition when <br/> issue fixed fom editor
if (htmlValue.IndexOf("<br />") == 0 || htmlValue.IndexOf("</ br>") == 0)
htmlValue = htmlValue.Substring(6);
else if (htmlValue.IndexOf("<br/>") == 0 || htmlValue.IndexOf("</br>") == 0)
htmlValue = htmlValue.Substring(5);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlValue))
htmlValue = RemoveLastNewLine(htmlValue);
return htmlValue;
Control's properties:
ucRichTextBox ucRichTextBox2 = new ucRichTextBox(tagCommand.Tags, ce.CurrentLCID, true, MetadataProperties, ArgInfoList);
ucRichTextBox2.spd = spd;
ucRichTextBox2.Tag = tagCommand.Tags;
ucRichTextBox2.Name = "ucRichTextBox2";
ucRichTextBox2.Left = sx;
ucRichTextBox2.Top = y;
ucRichTextBox2.Width = pnlSPD.Width - leftPadding - rightPadding;
ucRichTextBox2.btnUnlock.Click += BtnUnlock_Click;
ucRichTextBox2.btnUnlock.Image = Properties.Resources.c_full;
ucRichTextBox2.btnUnlock.Tag = "c_full";
ucRichTextBox2.btnLockOption.Visible = true;
ucRichTextBox2.btnLockOption.MouseDown += BtnLockOption_MouseDown;
ucRichTextBox2.btnLink.Click += BtnLink_Click;
ucRichTextBox2.rtxContent.CommandExecuting += RtxContent_CommandExecuting;
ucRichTextBox2.btnSetting.ButtonElement.ToolTipText = argInfoUX12.ConfigDoc.ContainsKey
UI for the control:
Error message:
Steps to recreate: