In this case, we have missing image tiles while zooming and scrolling the map. When downloading a tile, the internal WebClient is returning an error with the following message: The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine. The WebException does not have a Response. This scenario is not handled in code which will lead to missing image tiles. Zooming the same area will reload the missing tiles, but still, it should be handled in the source code.
To reproduce: - Create a shape with QGIS and add it to RadMap using the approach described in the documentation:
The ShapeFileReader fails in its ReadDbfRecord method:
using (MemoryStream shapeStream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Users\dyordano\Downloads\84aa4699-f436-4b7e-b029-e353fdab0411_shapefile-before-modification\asseuappareil.shp")))
using (MemoryStream dbfStream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Users\dyordano\Downloads\84aa4699-f436-4b7e-b029-e353fdab0411_shapefile-before-modification\asseuappareil.dbf")))
ShapeFileReaderParameters parameters = new ShapeFileReaderParameters();
parameters.ShapeStream = shapeStream;
parameters.DbfStream = dbfStream;
ShapeFileReader reader = new ShapeFileReader();
List<MapVisualElement> elements = reader.Read(parameters);
We would like to use vector tiles in our offline mapping applications, like ones you can get here :-
I think telerik only supports raster files right now. Is there any plans to support vector files in the future? Could it be added to the roadmap?
(I am not looking for a way to convert vector files into PNG/Bitmap/JPEG Image tiles in a custom provider thanks)
on a german Windows, when searching with the bingmapsprovider for "München",
the tooltip on the Pin doesn't shows the ü in the correct way.
Please refer. below code...
void ShowInfoUI()
var padding = new Padding(0);
var font = new Font(Font.FontFamily, 8.0f);
if (T.InfoLayer.IsVisible = cbShowInfo.Checked)
var overlays = T.PinsLayer.Overlays;
for (int i = 0; i < overlays.Count; i++)
var callout = new MapCallout(overlays[i]) { Font = font, Padding = padding, Text = "1234567", Distance = 5 };
There are 2 layers, InfoLayer (MapCallout) and PinsLayer (MapPins). cbShowInfo controls if MapCallout tobe shown.
If the 'Text' length is less than 8 wrapping happens, and not otherwise. Usually, If Text length is more then wrapping should happen.
An exception is thrown while adding layers without name. (System.InvalidOperationException: 'A layer with the same Name already exists in the collection.')
var layer1 = new MapLayer();
var layer2 = new MapLayer();
The simple fix is to always pass a unique name, but it must work like say DataTable.Columns.Add(); (which internally generates unique name)
Please refer attached screen.
In a specific use case, it was required to add MapPins to a MapLayer, and later MapLayer to be added to a RadMap, and this exception.
Use the custom implementation in the following KB article:
The pins are successfully exported in version 2021.1.204:
After upgrading to version 2021.2.511, the pins are not exported anymore:
Run the attached project.
10 points on each row.
There is a seemingly random number of points on each row: