Last Updated: 10 Jul 2024 11:20 by ADMIN
Release R1 2021 SP2
Created on: 05 Nov 2019 17:57
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request
RadSpreadsheet: ListDataValidation not working, dropdown does not appear in control

I have implemented the ListDataValidationRule code to add a dropdownlist to the spreadsheet. Based on the code I can find and the searching I have conducted, it seems to be correct, however the dropdown does not appear in the control.

The dropdown list does appear in Excel when I export the file.


Dim Context As ListDataValidationRuleContext = New ListDataValidationRuleContext(CurrentWorksheet, CurrentCellIndex)

Context.InputMessageTitle = "Restricted input"
Context.InputMessageContent = "The input is restricted to the week days."
Context.ErrorStyle = ErrorStyle.Stop
Context.ErrorAlertTitle = "Invalid Bedroom Type"
Context.ErrorAlertContent = "The entered value is not valid."
Context.InCellDropdown = True

Context.Argument1 = String.Join(",", _Data.ArchitectCert_UnitBedrooms.AsEnumerable().Select(Function(x) x.Field(Of Integer)("UnitBedroomNumber").ToString()).ToArray())

Dim Rule As ListDataValidationRule = New ListDataValidationRule(Context)

Nadya | Tech Support Engineer
Posted on: 10 Jul 2024 11:20

Hello, Jeremy,

Note that this is the feedback portal for Telerik UI for WinForms. In RadSpreadsheet for WinForms, this issue is already fixed in R1 2021 SP2, and the status of this item is marked as "Completed". 

In case you are using Telerik UI for Blazor, feel free to submit another ticket and mark UI for Blazor product in the ticket info. Thus, а support engineer from the relevant product team will contact you and provide further assistance for RadSpreadsheet for Blazor

Nadya | Tech Support Engineer
Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 09 Jul 2024 21:25
I have the same issue when loading the workbook into the Blazor TelerikSpreadsheet control. The validation shows fine when exported to Excel but the control doesn't show the dropdown. It does only allow values from the supplied list.

I'm on version: Telerik.UI.for.Blazor 6.0.2
Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Posted on: 06 Nov 2019 07:34

Hello, Michael, 

Indeed, the drop down is correctly exported in the Excel file: 

However, in RadSpreadsheet it is not currently displayed.

I have logged it in our feedback portal by making this thread public. You can track its progress, subscribe for status changes and add your comments on the following link - feedback item.


I have also updated your Telerik points.

I hope this information helps. If you need any further assistance please don't hesitate to contact me. 

Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Sr.
Progress Telerik

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