Last Updated: 04 Sep 2024 13:50 by ADMIN
Created on: 30 Aug 2024 12:19
Category: PdfViewer
Type: Feature Request
RadPdfViewer: Add HasLayers property

The problem I'm trying to solve is that users do not know that the original document may not be what they are seeing in the viewer when there are layers.    

A property that indicates that a document has layers would allow the system to refuse to open the document.

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1 comment
Nadya | Tech Support Engineer
Posted on: 04 Sep 2024 13:50

Hello, Monique,

Thank you for writing.

I would like to note that layers are not yet supported in RadPdfViewer. We have logged an item about it: ADD. RadPdfViewer - add support for layers (optional content) (telerik.com). You can cast your vote for this item to increase its priority. 

If I understand correctly your request, you would like to introduce API in RadPdfViewer that indicates whether a document has layers (such as HasLayers property). I find this a reasonable request and I approved it on our feedback portal. However, keep in mind that the availability of this future property depends on existing support for layers and may be planned subsequently. Adding support for layers is a significant feature that will be revised with priority.

I hope this information is useful. Let me know if you have other questions. 

Nadya | Tech Support Engineer
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