Hi Huib,
Thank you for reporting this. As a workaround, you can try the following approach. In a few words, we can subscribe to the Navigating event in which we can create our own MultiMonthView.
private void RadCalendar1_Navigating(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.CalendarNavigatingEventArgs e)
var nextStartdate = new DateTime();
var currentStartdate = this.radCalendar1.CalendarElement.CalendarVisualElement.View.ViewEndDate;
if (e.Direction == CalendarNavigationDirection.Forward)
nextStartdate = currentStartdate.AddMonths(1);
var montView = new MultiMonthView(this.radCalendar1, nextStartdate);
montView.ViewStartDate = nextStartdate;
this.radCalendar1.CalendarElement.CalendarVisualElement.View = montView;
else if (e.Direction == CalendarNavigationDirection.Backward)
nextStartdate = currentStartdate.AddMonths(-1);
var montView = new MultiMonthView(this.radCalendar1, nextStartdate);
montView.ViewStartDate = nextStartdate;
this.radCalendar1.CalendarElement.CalendarVisualElement.View = montView;
e.Cancel = true;
Dinko | Tech Support Engineer
Progress Telerik
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