The resize option available in MS Excel is:
Hello, Ken,
Thank you for bringing this reasonable request to our attention.
I have invested some time to create a sample code snippet how such kind of functionality can be implemented adopting the functionality coming from the RadSpreadProcessing library:
Sub New()
AddHandler Me.RadSpreadsheet1.SpreadsheetElement.ContextMenuShowing, AddressOf SpreadsheetElement_ContextMenuShowing
End Sub
Dim myMenuItem As New RadMenuItem("My item")
Private Sub SpreadsheetElement_ContextMenuShowing(sender As Object, e As SpreadsheetContextMenuOpeningEventArgs)
Dim hideItemText = Telerik.WinForms.Spreadsheet.LocalizationManager.CurrentProvider.GetLocalizedString("Spreadsheet_Context_Menu_Hide_Columns")
Dim isHeader As Boolean = False
For Each item As RadItem In e.Menu.Items
Dim menuItem As RadMenuItem = TryCast(item, RadMenuItem)
If menuItem Is Nothing Then
Continue For
End If
If menuItem.Text = hideItemText AndAlso menuItem.Visibility = ElementVisibility.Visible Then
isHeader = True
Exit For
End If
If isHeader AndAlso Not e.Menu.Items.Contains(myMenuItem) Then
myMenuItem = New RadMenuItem("My item")
AddHandler myMenuItem.Click, AddressOf myMenuItem_Click
ElseIf isHeader = False AndAlso e.Menu.Items.Contains(myMenuItem) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub myMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim pixelWidthToExcelWidth As Double = UnitHelper.PixelWidthToExcelColumnWidth(Me.RadSpreadsheet1.Workbook, 200)
Dim newColumnWidth As ColumnWidth = New ColumnWidth(pixelWidthToExcelWidth, isCustom:=True)
End Sub
The achieved result is illustrated below:
Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Progress Telerik
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