Last Updated: 04 May 2023 20:32 by ADMIN
Created on: 26 Apr 2023 14:53
Category: UI for WinForms
Type: Bug Report
Bot Demos Are Broken

Hi Team,

The Travel Assistant demos are broken... it just hangs. This is also true for the Xamarin Demos, WPF demos and WinForms demos.

Here are some screenshots:

UI for Winforms demos

Telerik UI for Xamarin demos


Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Posted on: 04 May 2023 20:32

Hello Carlos,

I have the results of my investigation and a final outcome to share. As I've previously mentioned, I was able to fix the Travel Assistant bot, which can be experienced in any product demo (here's the online ASP.NET Core example).

As for the Healthcare Assistance bot, we have decided to deprecate it... for two main reasons:

1) The bot's server-side code is pretty old and not relevant anymore.

2) More importantly, the feature set between the two bots are identical, here's a matrix

The conversational scenarios you'll experience with the Travel Assistant bot are the same as what you'd have with the Healthcare Assistant, and the client-side RadChat demo code provides identical utility.

As of right now, you will still see the Healthcare Assistant example in the various demos from the last release. It should be fully removed when we publish the next release of DevTools.

Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.

Lance | Manager Technical Support
Progress Telerik

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Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Posted on: 01 May 2023 18:39

Hi Carlos,

I wanted to give you a quick update.

I have fixed the Travel Assistant bot, here's a screenshot of it in the UI for WinForms demo:


I am still working on fixing the Healthcare Assistant Bot. To set your expectations, this may take some time as we might have to republish it as a new bot due to some unforeseen configuration changes.

In the meantime,  I hope the Travel Assistant and the in-memory group chat bots are good examples to use for now.

Lance | Manager Technical Support
Progress Telerik

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Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Posted on: 01 May 2023 12:15

Hello Carlos,

Thank you for reporting this. We can confirm there has been an issue with the backend system on Azure in which the client app could no longer authenticate with the ASP.NET bots apps through the DirectLine API.

We are working on resolving this now and will update this item's status again once it is resolved.

Lance | Manager Technical Support
Progress Telerik

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