I am using my own nuget server to deploy the Telerik Packages.
So I downloaded the file"Telerik_UI_For_WinForms_2020_3_915_Nuget_Dev.zip"
Unfortunately, the contained file "UI.for.WinForms.GridView.2020.3.915.nupkg" is broken:
For any reason, in the subfolder "lib\net40\" there are three different TelerikData.dll and TelerikData.XML files. When importing in our Nuget server, this leads to an error
Error: An exception occurred while rebuilding the package store: System.ArgumentException: Das Element wurde bereits hinzugefügt. Schlüssel im Wörterbuch: "lib/net40/TelerikData.dll". Hinzuzufügender Schlüssel: "lib/net40/TelerikData.dll".
Could you please fix your build-and-deploy process and re-upload the package?
Best regards
Daniel Petat
Hello Petia,
thank you for the fast response. Works fine with version 2020.3.1020.
This thread can be closed.
Hello Daniel,
Thank you for reporting us the WinForms NuGet package issue.
You are right and version 2020_3_915 contains three different TelerikData.dll and TelerikData.xml files. I am happy to let you know that it is already fixed with our latest release version 2020.3.1020. You could download the latest Telerik_UI_For_WinForms_2020_3_1020_Nuget_Dev.zip.
As a token of gratitude for reporting this to us I have updated your Telerik points.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further assistance.
Regards, Petia Vladova Progress Telerik
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