Last Updated: 07 Oct 2020 11:46 by ADMIN
Release R3 2020 SP1 (LIB 2020.3.1007)
Created on: 15 Sep 2020 09:52
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Bug Report
RadSpreadsheet - when press Delete button upon uprotected cell formatting gets lost and error message that sheet is protected is shown

I have a RadSpreadsheet control on a form. It has a good number of cells protected though this behavior is independent of the protection status.

If I click on a cell, move to the cell using the keyboard (up arrow, etc), and then push the delete key the cell formatting is cleared. When the spreadsheet is protected and I hit delete in the same circumstance on an unlocked cell the formatting is cleared and the cell is then locked.

Is there something I am missing or have not set?