I might be missing something, but I have Hyperlinks in a column in my RadDatGridView.
I tried searching for a Support document explaining this, but didn't find any.
When the grid is exported to excel all data is coming across, but the column with hyperlink is not
a hyperlink in Excel.
Below is sample of the code used to make the "HyperLink" column in my grid.
radGridView1.DataSource = dtResults;
GridViewHyperlinkColumn col = new GridViewHyperlinkColumn();
radGridView1.Columns.Insert(5, col);
col.Width = 200;
col.FieldName = "Path";
col.HeaderText = "Path";
col.Name = "Path";
Coded used to do the Export....
GridViewSpreadExport spreadExporter = new GridViewSpreadExport(this.radGridView1);
spreadExporter.ExportVisualSettings = true;
SpreadExportRenderer exportRenderer = new SpreadExportRenderer();
spreadExporter.RunExport(filename, exportRenderer);