To reproduce: add a RadListView with several items that start with "a". One of the items should start with "aa". Enable the keyboard navigation. If you type "aa" fast so that it is within the specified KeyboardSearchResetInterval, the user should be navigated to the item that starts with "a". Dim dt As New DataTable dt.Columns.Add("Column1") dt.Columns.Add("Column2") dt.Columns.Add("Column3") Dim dr1 As DataRow = dt.NewRow Dim dr2 As DataRow = dt.NewRow Dim dr3 As DataRow = dt.NewRow Dim dr4 As DataRow = dt.NewRow Dim dr5 As DataRow = dt.NewRow dr1.ItemArray = {"aaron", "Waters", "Florida"} dt.Rows.Add(dr1) dr2.ItemArray = {"Andrew", "Smith", "Ohio"} dt.Rows.Add(dr2) dr3.ItemArray = {"Art", "Graves", "Michigan"} dt.Rows.Add(dr3) dr4.ItemArray = {"Bridgette", "Patterson", "Colorado"} dt.Rows.Add(dr4) dr5.ItemArray = {"Amanda", "Patterson", "Colorado"} dt.Rows.Add(dr5) LV_Contacts.DataSource = dt LV_Contacts.DisplayMember = "Column1" Me.LV_Contacts.KeyboardSearchEnabled = True Me.LV_Contacts.KeyboardSearchResetInterval = 2000 Workaround: Public Class MyListView Inherits RadListView Protected Overrides Function CreateListViewElement() As RadListViewElement Return New MyRadListViewElement() End Function Public Overrides Property ThemeClassName As String Get Return GetType(RadListView).FullName End Get Set(value As String) MyBase.ThemeClassName = value End Set End Property End Class Public Class MyRadListViewElement Inherits RadListViewElement Protected Overrides Function CreateViewElement() As BaseListViewElement If Me.ViewType = ListViewType.DetailsView Then Return New CustomDetailListViewElement(Me) End If Return MyBase.CreateViewElement() End Function Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property ThemeEffectiveType() As Type Get Return GetType(RadListViewElement) End Get End Property End Class Public Class CustomDetailListViewElement Inherits DetailListViewElement Public Sub New(owner As RadListViewElement) MyBase.New(owner) End Sub Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property ThemeEffectiveType() As Type Get Return GetType(DetailListViewElement) End Get End Property Dim searchBuffer As StringBuilder Protected Overrides Sub HandleNavigation(keyChar As Char) If Not Me.Owner.KeyboardSearchEnabled Then Return End If Dim fi As FieldInfo = GetType(BaseListViewElement).GetField("typingTimer", BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.NonPublic) Dim typingTimer As Timer = TryCast(fi.GetValue(Me), Timer) If typingTimer.Enabled Then typingTimer.[Stop]() typingTimer.Start() Else searchBuffer = New StringBuilder() typingTimer.Start() End If searchBuffer.Append(keyChar) Dim searchCriteria As String = searchBuffer.ToString() Dim itemToSelect As ListViewDataItem = GetFirstMatch(searchCriteria) If itemToSelect IsNot Nothing Then Me.ProcessSelection(itemToSelect, Keys.None, False) End If End Sub End Class