Poor support for custom DPI scaling in Windows 7 - Windows 10. There no null checking, and there is dirty hacks: CASE 1: RadPageViewElement public override void DpiScaleChanged(SizeF scaleFactor) { base.DpiScaleChanged(scaleFactor); if (this.Owner != null && this.Owner.Pages.Count > 1) { this.Owner.SuspendEvents(); if (this.Owner.SelectedPage == this.Owner.Pages[0]) { this.Owner.SelectedPage = this.Owner.Pages[1]; // NO NULL CHECKING this.Owner.SelectedPage = this.Owner.Pages[0]; // DIRTY HACK: users can have their own processing OnSelectedPage, which is unexpected here! } else { RadPageViewPage page = this.Owner.SelectedPage; this.Owner.SelectedPage = this.Owner.Pages[0]; this.Owner.SelectedPage = page; } CASE 2: public partial class RadForm1 : Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadForm { public RadForm1() { InitializeComponent(); radWizard1.Pages.Add(new WizardPage()); // when user has 100% Dpi, this code works normally. But if user has custom scale DPI (e.g. 101%), user received System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' (because because again there is no verification for ContentArea = null)... } } Please improve the work with custom DPI scaling!