Both editors have the same type - TreeViewDropDownListEditor and there is no way to tell for which one the event is fired.
Editor parent type (field or filter) is known in the EditorInitialized event. Please consider the following code: private void radDataFilter1_EditorInitialized1(object sender, TreeNodeEditorInitializedEventArgs e) { TreeViewDropDownListEditor editor = e.Editor as TreeViewDropDownListEditor; DataFilterCriteriaElement criteriaElement = e.NodeElement as DataFilterCriteriaElement; if (editor != null && criteriaElement != null) { if (criteriaElement.EditingElement is DataFilterFieldEditorElement) { //the field is edited } if (criteriaElement.EditingElement is DataFilterOperatorEditorElement) { // the filter type is edited } } } Documentation has been updated!
DataFilterCriteriaElement criteriaElement = e.NodeElement as DataFilterCriteriaElement; and look into criteriaElement.EditingElement