A similar issue can be also observed in RadTreeView: Workaround RadGridView: private void RadGridView1_CellEditorInitialized(object sender, GridViewCellEventArgs e) { RadTextBoxEditor editor = e.ActiveEditor as RadTextBoxEditor; if (editor != null) { editor.EditorElement.MinSize = new Size(0, 30); } } Workaround RadTreeView: private void RadTreeView1_EditorInitialized(object sender, TreeNodeEditorInitializedEventArgs e) { TreeViewTextBoxEditor editor = e.Editor as TreeViewTextBoxEditor; if (editor != null) { ((BaseTextBoxEditorElement)editor.EditorElement).TextBoxItem.TextBoxControl.MinimumSize = new Size(0, 24); } } In 125% the RadTextBox in the Fluent theme keeps shrinking: Workaround public RadForm1() { InitializeComponent(); SizeF dpi = NativeMethods.GetMonitorDpi(Screen.PrimaryScreen, NativeMethods.DpiType.Effective); this.radTextBox1.MinimumSize = new Size(0, (int)(24 * dpi.Height)); }