At the moment when the control receives the focus the text gets selected. if the AllowShowFocusCues property is set to true and the DropDownStyle is set to DropDownList the focus cues should be painted similarly as in RadDropDownList this.radMultiColumnComboBox1.AllowShowFocusCues = true; this.radMultiColumnComboBox1.DropDownStyle = Telerik.WinControls.RadDropDownStyle.DropDownList;
Hi Andreas, By design, the ControlDefault theme is not changing the border when the control receives the focus. The behavior you desire can be achieved with a custom theme and I am attaching it to the item. I am also attaching a screenshot showing the applied repositories and element states. Additional information on how custom themes can be created is available here: Regards, Hristo
Well Done - the Default Theme does not...
We have decided to remove focus cues indicator since most of the themes change this border when the control receives the focus. Here is a complete list with those themes: Fluent FluentDark Office2013Dark Office2013Light Window8 VisualStudio2012Dark VisualStudio2012Light Office2010Black Office2010Silver Office2010Blue Aqua Breeze Desert Widows7