To reproduce: please refer to the attached sample project and follow the steps illustrated in the gif file. Workaround: after loading the layout, set the MaximumSize for the FloatingWindow: public RadForm1() { InitializeComponent(); this.radDock1.FloatingWindowCreated += radDock1_FloatingWindowCreated; } Size lastSize = Size.Empty; private void radDock1_FloatingWindowCreated(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.Docking.FloatingWindowEventArgs e) { lastSize= e.Window.Size; } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int reps; if (!int.TryParse(radMaskedEditBox1.Text, out reps)) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Enter a valid number for repititions."); return; } using (var dockLayout = new MemoryStream()) { for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) { dockLayout.SetLength(0); radDock1.SaveToXml(dockLayout); radDock1.LoadFromXml(dockLayout); foreach (Telerik.WinControls.UI.Docking.FloatingWindow fw in this.radDock1.ActiveFloatingWindows) { fw.MaximumSize = lastSize; } } } }