To reproduce: click (mouse down) on a task but then release the mouse button off the task. It then stays selected even when I click on other tasks. You can repeat this over and over and end up with every task as "selected" as shown in the video. Workaround: AddHandler Me.RadGanttView1.GraphicalViewItemFormatting, AddressOf GraphicalViewItemFormatting Private Sub GraphicalViewItemFormatting(sender As Object, e As GanttViewGraphicalViewItemFormattingEventArgs) Dim taskItem As GanttViewTaskItemElement = TryCast(e.ItemElement, GanttViewTaskItemElement) If taskItem IsNot Nothing AndAlso taskItem.TaskElement.VisualState.Contains(".MouseDown") AndAlso Not taskItem.Selected Then taskItem.TaskElement.IsMouseDown = False End If End Sub