To reproduce: please refer to the attached gif file Add a custom tab in the ribbon UI and a RadDropDownListElement bound to a list of strings. The first item is selected by default. Insert a table by using the ribbon UI and try to get programmatically the RadDropDownListElement.SelectedValue/Index. It is null/-1 although the text is correct. Workaround: public class CustomRichTextEditorRibbonBar : RichTextEditorRibbonBar { protected override void CreateChildItems(RadElement parent) { base.CreateChildItems(parent); FieldInfo fi = typeof(RadRibbonBar).GetField("ribbonBarElement", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); RadRibbonBarElement ribbonBarElement = fi.GetValue(this) as RadRibbonBarElement; ribbonBarElement = new CustomRadRibbonBarElement(); fi.SetValue(this, ribbonBarElement); this.RootElement.Children.Add(ribbonBarElement); ribbonBarElement.CommandTabSelecting += delegate (object sender, CommandTabSelectingEventArgs args) { OnCommandTabSelecting(args); }; ribbonBarElement.CommandTabSelected += delegate (object sender, CommandTabEventArgs args) { OnCommandTabSelected(args); }; ribbonBarElement.ExpandedStateChanged += delegate (object sender, EventArgs args) { this.OnRibbonBarExpandedStateChanged(args); }; } } public class CustomRadRibbonBarElement : RadRibbonBarElement { protected override float GetMaximumTabContentHeight() { return 104; } }