1. Add RadSchedulerNavigator and a RadScheduler. Change the view type to Week View. 2. Associate the RadSchedulerNavigator to RadScheduler. Change the PC's time zone to (UTC-03:00) Brasilia Time zone 3. Change the PC's date to 21 Oct 2016 and run the application. 4. When you change the time zone in RadSchedulerNavigator to (UTC-03:00) Brasilia Time zone, you will notice that the ruler starts from 23. Workaround: public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); radSchedulerNavigator1.AssociatedScheduler = radScheduler1; this.radScheduler1.ActiveViewChanged += radScheduler1_ActiveViewChanged; this.radScheduler1.CellElementMouseDown += radScheduler1_CellElementMouseDown; this.radScheduler1.AppointmentEditDialogShowing += radScheduler1_AppointmentEditDialogShowing; radScheduler1.ActiveViewType = Telerik.WinControls.UI.SchedulerViewType.Week; } DateTime? date = null; private void radScheduler1_CellElementMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { SchedulerCellElement cell = this.radScheduler1.ElementTree.GetElementAtPoint(e.Location) as SchedulerCellElement; if (cell != null) { date = cell.Date; } } CustomEditAppointmentDialog dialog = null; private void radScheduler1_AppointmentEditDialogShowing(object sender, AppointmentEditDialogShowingEventArgs e) { if (dialog == null) { dialog = new CustomEditAppointmentDialog(); } e.AppointmentEditDialog = dialog; if (date != null && !e.Appointment.Start.Equals(date)) { e.Appointment.Start = (DateTime)date; } date = null; } private void radScheduler1_ActiveViewChanged(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.SchedulerViewChangedEventArgs e) { SchedulerDayView dayView = e.NewView as SchedulerDayView; SchedulerWeekView weekView = e.NewView as SchedulerWeekView; if (dayView != null || weekView != null) { RulerPrimitive ruler = (this.radScheduler1.SchedulerElement.ViewElement as SchedulerDayViewElement).DataAreaElement.Ruler; ruler.GetType().GetField("defaultOffset", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(ruler, 0.0f); } } public class CustomEditAppointmentDialog : EditAppointmentDialog { protected override void LoadSettingsFromEvent(IEvent sourceEvent) { base.LoadSettingsFromEvent(sourceEvent); this.dateStart.Value = sourceEvent.Start; this.timeStart.Value = sourceEvent.Start; } }