To reproduce: disable Aero on a Windows7 machine and use the following code: public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); this.IsMdiContainer = true; Form MSform = new Form(); MSform.Text = "Form MDI Child 1"; MSform.MdiParent = this; MSform.Show(); MSform = new Form(); MSform.Text = "Form MDI Child 2"; MSform.MdiParent = this; MSform.Show(); MSform = new Form(); MSform.Text = "Form MDI Child 3"; MSform.MdiParent = this; MSform.Show(); RadForm form = new RadForm(); form.Text = "RadForm MDI Child 1"; form.MdiParent = this; form.Show(); form = new RadForm(); form.Text = " RadFormMDI Child 2"; form.MdiParent = this; form.Show(); form = new RadForm(); form.Text = " RadFormMDI Child 3"; form.MdiParent = this; form.Show(); } private void Form1_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.LayoutMdi(MdiLayout.TileHorizontal); } private void radButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.LayoutMdi(MdiLayout.TileVertical); } private void radButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.LayoutMdi(MdiLayout.Cascade); } private void radButton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.LayoutMdi(MdiLayout.TileHorizontal); } Workaround: set the RadForm.AllowTheming property to false. Workaround 2: public class MyForm : RadForm { protected override CreateParams CreateParams { get { CreateParams par = base.CreateParams; par.Style |= NativeMethods.WS_CAPTION; return par; } } }