To reproduce: - Use the SpellCheck as you type functionality with RadTextBox. - The "Ignore All" and "Add To Dictionary" strings in the context menu are not changed. Workaround: public RadForm1() { InitializeComponent(); radSpellChecker1.AutoSpellCheckControl = radTextBox1; TextBoxSpellChecker textBoxControlSpellChecker = this.radSpellChecker1.GetControlSpellChecker(typeof(RadTextBox)) as TextBoxSpellChecker; textBoxControlSpellChecker.DropDownMenu.DropDownOpened += DropDownMenu_DropDownOpened; } private void DropDownMenu_DropDownOpened(object sender, EventArgs e) { var menu = (RadDropDownMenu)sender; foreach (var item in menu.Items) { if (item.Text == "Add To Dictionary") { item.Text = "test"; } if (item.Text == "Ignore All") { item.Text = "test"; } } }