Note: it should be closed automatically when all words are corrected. To reproduce: 1. Enter some misspelled words and open the context menu with right mouse click. 2. Show the SpellCheckingDialog. 3. Add a word to the dictionary. The SpellCheckingDialog will be closed immediately. However, if you press to ignore the word/words, the dialog remains opened. Workaround: cancel the SpellCheckingDialog.FormClosing event except when the close button is clicked: public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); this.radRichTextEditor1.IsSpellCheckingEnabled = true; RadButton buttonClose = ((SpellCheckingDialog)this.radRichTextEditor1.RichTextBoxElement.SpellCheckingDialog).Controls["buttonClose"] as RadButton; buttonClose.MouseDown += buttonClose_MouseDown; ((SpellCheckingDialog)this.radRichTextEditor1.RichTextBoxElement.SpellCheckingDialog).FormClosing += SpellCheckingDialog_FormClosing; } bool shouldClose = false; private void buttonClose_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { shouldClose = true; } private void SpellCheckingDialog_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (e.CloseReason != CloseReason.FormOwnerClosing) { e.Cancel = !shouldClose; shouldClose = false; } }