Last Updated: 02 Dec 2015 08:25 by Ned
Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Created on: 10 Nov 2015 12:41
Category: GridView
Type: Bug Report
FIX. RadGridView - error invokinng 'Open Property Builder'. Details: Stack empty
To reproduce:

1. Drag a grid from the Toolbox and drop it onto the form
2. Open the designer
3. Set the RadGridView.AutoGenerateHierarchy property to true.
4. Open the smart tag and set the DataSource property. As a result the grid templates and relations will be created.
5. Try to open the Property Builder. It opens successfully.
6. Close the Property Builder and add a new templated from the smart tag.
7. If you try to open the Property Builder again you will obtain the error. Please refer o the attached gif file illustrating the behavior.

Workaround: set the AutoGenerateHierarchy to false in order to open the Property Builder.
1 comment
Posted on: 10 Nov 2015 13:31
Thanks to logging my problem :)
I hope it will fixed soon.