To reproduce: Create a Windows Forms project - Add a RadDock. - Add 1 DocumentWindow and 1 ToolWindow to the RadDock control. - Add a RadTextBoxControl to the DocumentWindow. Give it a height that will allow you to easily scroll. - Run the application and enter enough text into the text box to make the scrollbar appear. - Scroll to the bottom of the textbox. - Minimize the application. Workaround: public class MyScroller : TextBoxScroller { public MyScroller(RadScrollBarElement scrollbar) : base(scrollbar) { } public override int Value { get { return base.Value; } set { if (value < this.MaxValue) { base.Value = value; } } } } Change it as follows: radTextBoxControl1.TextBoxElement.ViewElement.VScroller = new MyScroller(radTextBoxControl1.TextBoxElement.VScrollBar);