To reproduce: RadDocument document = new RadDocument(); Section section = new Section(); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); Span span = new Span(); span.Text ="test" + Environment.NewLine + "test"; ReadOnlyRangeStart rangeStart = new ReadOnlyRangeStart(); ReadOnlyRangeEnd rangeEnd = new ReadOnlyRangeEnd(); rangeEnd.PairWithStart(rangeStart); p.Inlines.Add(rangeStart); p.Inlines.Add(span); p.Inlines.Add(rangeEnd); section.Blocks.Add(p); document.Sections.Add(section); this.radRichTextEditor1.Document = document; Workaround: add an empty span as last inline element in the paragraph: RadDocument document = new RadDocument(); Section section = new Section(); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); Span span = new Span(); span.Text ="test" + Environment.NewLine + "test"; ReadOnlyRangeStart rangeStart = new ReadOnlyRangeStart(); ReadOnlyRangeEnd rangeEnd = new ReadOnlyRangeEnd(); rangeEnd.PairWithStart(rangeStart); p.Inlines.Add(rangeStart); p.Inlines.Add(span); p.Inlines.Add(rangeEnd); /////////////////////////////////////// Span emptySpan = new Span(); emptySpan.Text = " "; p.Inlines.Add(emptySpan); /////////////////////////////////////// section.Blocks.Add(p); document.Sections.Add(section); this.radRichTextEditor1.Document = document;