To reproduce: 1.Use the provided xml file in the following article: and change these strings: "Documents_ParagraphPropertiesDialog_TextAlignment_Center": "Mittig"; "Documents_ParagraphPropertiesDialog_TextAlignment_Justify": "Block"; "Documents_ParagraphPropertiesDialog_TextAlignment_Left": "Links"; "Documents_ParagraphPropertiesDialog_TextAlignment_Right": "Rechts"; 2.Afterwards, specify the RichTextBoxLocalizationProvider.CurrentProvider by loading the modified file. 3.Run the application, select some paragraph and try to change its alignment. As a result when the ParagraphPropertiesDialog is opened, incorrect alignment text is displayed in the drop-down. If you select a new value a handled ArgumentException is thrown and the paragraph is not aligned at all. Workaround: use a custom ParagraphPropertiesDialog: public Form1() { RichTextBoxLocalizationProvider.CurrentProvider = RichTextBoxLocalizationProvider.FromFile(@"..\..\RichTextBoxStrings - Copy.xml"); InitializeComponent(); this.radRichTextEditor1.RichTextBoxElement.ParagraphPropertiesDialog = new CustomDialog(); } public partial class CustomDialog : ParagraphPropertiesDialog { public CustomDialog() { InitializeComponent(); FieldInfo fi = typeof(ParagraphPropertiesDialog).GetField("radButtonOK", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); RadButton btn = fi.GetValue(this) as RadButton; btn.MouseDown += btn_MouseDown; } protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); if (selectedItem != null) { ButtonAlignement.Text = selectedItem.Text; } } public RadDropDownButton ButtonAlignement { get { FieldInfo fi = typeof(ParagraphPropertiesDialog).GetField("radDropDownButtonAlignement", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); RadDropDownButton radDropDownButtonAlignement = fi.GetValue(this) as RadDropDownButton; return radDropDownButtonAlignement; } } RadMenuItem selectedItem = null; RadDropDownButton radDropDownButtonAlignement = null; private void btn_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { foreach (RadMenuItem item in ButtonAlignement.Items) { if (item.Text == ButtonAlignement.Text) { selectedItem = item; break; } } if (selectedItem != null) { ButtonAlignement.Text = selectedItem.Tag.ToString(); } } }