Having issues withVS2013 & 2015 Q1 Winforms RadChartView control 1. WYSIWYG in design time does not refresh properly after changing axis collection parameters, unless close and reopen the parent winform or custom control 2. by changing an axis collection parameter , seem to end up with multiple extra axes series (originally had axisX, AxisY, and after a minor param change ended up with axis 0 thru 5 (6 in total) and all series where now using axis4 & axis5 not my original axis? 3. I can't see to toggle display on/off of series in winforms via the legend, yet in wpf web it is possible? will this feature be added later? attached is example of WYSIWYG not working improvement Suggestions: I would love to have a major and minor grid (similar to ref: http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/screen-digital-oscilloscope-two-types-signal-33269502.jpg) as most of my work is measurement and scientific in nature. I would like to ensure the ratio of X-Y is fixed so that on resize of the control the grid does not skew or stretch and I loose 1:1 aspect ratio I look forward to your feedback ;)