To reproduce: - Enter a value in the search row (make sure you will have several results) - Enter a letter in the filtering row. The filetring row will lose the focus. Workaround: public class MyGridViewSearchRowInfo : GridViewSearchRowInfo { public MyGridViewSearchRowInfo(GridViewInfo viewInfo) : base(viewInfo) { } public override void SelectNextSearchResult() { GridViewSystemRowInfo systemRow = this.ViewTemplate.MasterTemplate.CurrentRow as GridViewSystemRowInfo; if (systemRow != null && this.ViewTemplate.MasterTemplate.Owner.EditorManager.IsInEditMode) { return; } base.SelectNextSearchResult(); } } //change the default row like this void radGridView1_CreateRowInfo(object sender, GridViewCreateRowInfoEventArgs e) { if (e.RowInfo is GridViewSearchRowInfo) { e.RowInfo = new MyGridViewSearchRowInfo(e.ViewInfo); } }