To reproduce: use the following code snippet. It is reproducible in target framework less than .NET Framework 4.0. Sub New() InitializeComponent() Me.RadPivotGrid1.RowGroupDescriptions.Add(New DoubleGroupDescription() With { _ .PropertyName = "EmployeeID", _ .GroupComparer = New GroupNameComparer() _ }) UpdatePivotGrid() End Sub Private Sub UpdatePivotGrid() Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=True") Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Orders", conn) conn.Open() Dim da As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(cmd) da.Fill(ds) ds.Dispose() Me.RadPivotGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables(0) Me.RadPivotGrid1.Refresh() End Sub Please refer to the attached gif file. Workaround : use .NET Framework 4.0.