To reproduce: 1. Add a RadGridView, a RadDataEntry, a RadBindingNavigator and a MS BindingNavigator. 2. Bind all of the above controls to absolutely the same BindingSource, e.g. Northwind.Categories table. 3. Click over the "Add" button of the RadBindingNavigator/MS BindingNavigator once. RadGridView displays the new record, but the RadDataEntry does not show it. Each next click of the "Add" button navigates the RadDataEntry to the previously added record. Workaround: //RadBindingNavigator: this.radBindingNavigator1.BindingNavigatorElement.AddNewButton.Click += AddNewButton_Click; private void AddNewButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.radBindingNavigator1.BindingSource.MovePrevious(); this.radBindingNavigator1.BindingSource.MoveLast(); } //MS BindingNavigator: ToolStripButton addButton = (ToolStripButton)this.bindingNavigator1.Items[this.bindingNavigator1.Items.Count - 2] ; if (addButton != null) { addButton.Click += addButton_Click; } private void addButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.bindingNavigator1.BindingSource.MovePrevious(); this.bindingNavigator1.BindingSource.MoveLast(); }