To reproduce: 1. Open Demo application >> Scheduler >> Printing example. 2. Change to Weekly style and return back to Daily style. 3. Modify a random appointment's end time to be half an hour, e.g. 10:30. 4. Change the rule scale to 5 minute and press PrintPreview button. You will notice that the rendered appointment in the PrintPreview dialog fills the entire hour interval, instead of half of it. public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); this.radScheduler1.PrintStyle = new CustomSchedulerDailyPrintStyle(); } public class CustomSchedulerDailyPrintStyle :SchedulerDailyPrintStyle { protected override void DrawAppointments(DateTime currentDate, IResource resource, Rectangle appArea, Graphics graphics) { int rowCount = Math.Max(1, (int)Math.Ceiling((TimeEndRange - TimeSpan.FromHours(TimeStartRange.Hours)).TotalHours)); float rowHeight = (float)appArea.Height / rowCount; List<IEvent> appointments = this.GetAppointments(currentDate, false, resource); appointments.Sort(CompareAppointments); bool setColumn = true; Dictionary<IEvent, int> columns = new Dictionary<IEvent, int>(); Dictionary<IEvent, int> maxColumns = new Dictionary<IEvent, int>(); int currentColumn = 0; while (setColumn) { setColumn = false; DateTime currentTime = DateTime.MinValue; foreach (IEvent app in appointments) { if (!columns.ContainsKey(app) && DateFloor(app.Start) >= currentTime) { setColumn = true; columns.Add(app, currentColumn); currentTime = DateCeiling(app.End); } } currentColumn++; } DateTime maxEndDate = DateTime.MinValue; int lastIndex = 0; int maxColumn = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= appointments.Count; i++) { if (i == appointments.Count || DateFloor(appointments[i].Start) >= maxEndDate) { for (int j = lastIndex; j < i; j++) { maxColumns.Add(appointments[j], maxColumn); } maxColumn = 0; lastIndex = i; } if (i == appointments.Count) { break; } maxColumn = Math.Max(maxColumn, columns[appointments[i]]); if (maxEndDate < DateCeiling(appointments[i].End)) { maxEndDate = DateCeiling(appointments[i].End); } } foreach (IEvent app in appointments) { AppointmentPrintElement printedAppointment = new AppointmentPrintElement(app, this.Scheduler); printedAppointment.ShowHours = false; printedAppointment.DrawBorder = printedAppointment.DrawFill = true; float appY = appArea.Y + Math.Max(0, (float)(((DateFloor(printedAppointment.Start) - currentDate.Add(this.TimeStartRange)).TotalHours) * rowHeight)); float appBottom = appArea.Y + Math.Min(appArea.Height, (float)(((DateCeiling(printedAppointment.End) - currentDate.Add(this.TimeStartRange)).TotalHours) * rowHeight)); float appHeight = appBottom - appY - app.End.Minute; float appWidth = (appArea.Width - HoursColumnWidth) / (maxColumns[app] + 1); float appX = appArea.X + HoursColumnWidth + columns[app] * appWidth; RectangleF appRect = new RectangleF(appX, appY, appWidth, appHeight); appRect.Inflate(-2f, -2f); this.DrawAppointment(printedAppointment, graphics, appRect); } } } private void radButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.radScheduler1.PrintPreview(); }