Last Updated: 24 Nov 2014 14:06 by ADMIN
Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Created on: 02 Sep 2014 10:05
Type: Bug Report
FIX. RadRichTextBox - Copy/Paste behavior from Word to RadRichTextBox does not preserve the hyperlink when it is located in cell of a table
To reproduce:
1. Create  a new empty .doc file in MS Word.
2. Insert a table 2x2.
3. Enter some text in each cell and associate a hyperlink with the text in each cell.
4. Select the whole document's content.
5. Open Demo application >> RichTextBox >> First look example and paste the .doc's content.
You will notice that all cells are marked as hyperlinks. However, clicking over each cell, but cells belonging to the first row, does not navigate you to the expected web site.

This issue is addressed in the new version of the control - RadRichTextEditor. Please use the new control instead the RadRichTextBox.