To reproduce: Bind a RadPivotGrid and set the theme to Breeze. You will see that there are no filtering buttons. Workaround: Use the following code to set an image to the buttons: protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); List<PivotFilterFunctionButton> elements = this.FindAllElements<PivotFilterFunctionButton>(this.pivot.PivotGridElement); Image img = Image.FromFile(@"filter.png"); foreach (PivotFilterFunctionButton item in elements) { item.Image = img; } } public List<T> FindAllElements<T>(RadElement parent) where T : RadElement { List<T> list = new List<T>(); this.FindAllElementsCore(parent, list); return list; } private void FindAllElementsCore<T>(RadElement parent, List<T> list) where T : RadElement { if (parent is T) { list.Add(parent as T); return; } foreach (RadElement item in parent.Children) { FindAllElementsCore<T>(item, list); } } The image can be downloaded below.