Improve the way to format easily summary task. Currently you need to cast all elements of summary element to change the BackColor. Resolution: There are three properties added to GanttViewSummaryElement which allow access to the inner elements: LeftElement, MiddleElement and RightElement. Please take a look at the code example: private void radGanttView1_GraphicalViewItemFormatting(object sender, GanttViewGraphicalViewItemFormattingEventArgs e) { GanttViewSummaryItemElement element = e.ItemElement as GanttViewSummaryItemElement; if (element != null) { GanttViewSummaryElement summary = element.TaskElement as GanttViewSummaryElement; summary.LeftElement.BackColor = Color.Blue; summary.RightElement.BackColor = Color.Blue; summary.MiddleElement.BackColor = Color.LightGreen; summary.ProgressIndicatorElement.BackColor = Color.Red; } }