This is not considered an issue, it is how RadGridView works. Here are more details: In order for a GridDetailViewCellElement to display a pageview instead of a single table element, either the template of the row holding it has to have more than one child template, or its ShowChildViewCaptions should be true. Once there is a page view, the tabs in it will be visible at all times, except when some of the templates has no rows and AllowAddNewRow for it is false – if it does not have any rows and the user cannot add row, it is considered that there is no need from it. If one needs to change the visibility of the tabs, this can be done in the ViewCellFormatting event: private void RadGridView1_ViewCellFormatting(object sender, CellFormattingEventArgs e) { GridDetailViewCellElement detailCell = e.CellElement as GridDetailViewCellElement; if (detailCell != null) { foreach (RadPageViewItem item in detailCell.PageViewElement.Items) { item.Visibility = Telerik.WinControls.ElementVisibility.Visible; } } }