To reproduce: Add a RadDateTimePicker to a form, set your DPI settings to 150% (you will need to re-log from windows), open the form and click the arrow of the RadDateTimePicker to show the dropdown. You will notice that the dropdown is not being scaled accordingly. Workaround: Subscribe to the PropertyChanged event of RadDateTimePicker and scale the dropdown manually: Size initialPopupSize; RadDateTimePicker dateTimePicker; void DateTimePickerElement_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.PropertyName == "IsDropDownShown") { RadDateTimePickerCalendar calendar = dateTimePicker.DateTimePickerElement.GetCurrentBehavior() as RadDateTimePickerCalendar; if (calendar.PopupControl.MinimumSize != initialPopupSize && initialPopupSize != Size.Empty) { return; } float scale = 0; float dpi = this.CreateGraphics().DpiX; if (dpi == 96) { scale = 1f; } else if (dpi == 120) { scale = 1.25f; } else if (dpi == 144) { scale = 1.5f; } else if (dpi == 192) { scale = 2f; } Size popupSize = calendar.PopupControl.Size; Size newSize = new Size((int)(popupSize.Width * scale), (int)(popupSize.Height * scale)); calendar.PopupControl.MinimumSize = newSize; initialPopupSize = popupSize; } }