To reproduce: 1.Add a RadDock with two ToolWindows, docked in a shared TabStrip. 2.Change the dock state of the first ToolWindow to "Floating". 3.Change the dock state of the second ToolWindow to "Autohide". 4.Save the layout. 5.Change the layout. 6.Load the layout. As a result both of the ToolWindow are autohidden.
Hi Alfredo, I performed few tests and couldn`t reproduce the issue with our latest versions of suite: Q1 2016 (2016.1.112) or R2 2016 (2016.2.503). In the attachments you can find a sample demo and a video demonstrating the behavior on my end. I assumed that your case is more complicate, so you could open a new support thread where we can continue the discussion. It would be very helpful, if you send us a demo where the experience issue is observed and steps how to reproduce it.
I have the exact same behaviour using Q1 2016. Was it fixed? is this a regression?